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Captiv8’s Branded Storefronts Promise 2.5X Higher Creator Earnings Potential

On Monday, Captiv8, the influencer marketing platform for enterprise brands, announced the launch of Branded Storefronts, a new offering to boost creator earnings from affiliate marketing. 

The new Branded Storefronts allow creators to maintain a single, shoppable online storefront that all of their social content points to rather than generating duplicative affiliate links across platforms. An analysis by Captiv8 of over 21,000 affiliate creators found that with this consolidated approach, creators are 2.5 times more likely to prefer storefronts over individual affiliate links for driving income.

For brands, Branded Storefronts provide a customizable, whitelabel solution to aggregate creator storefronts into a unified collection promoted across digital channels. Paired with Captiv8’s existing measurement and affiliate tracking capabilities, the new storefronts enable brands to analyze the full consumer shopping journey driven by creators in real-time.

Captiv8 cites data showing creator product recommendations generate 230% higher average order values than non-influencer marketing. The company’s CEO, Krishna Subramanian, positions the Storefronts as meeting “the growing demand for a more curated, relevant, and seamless online shopping experience that connects influencers, brands, and consumers.”

Theja Suresh, Captiv8’s Chief Product Officer, cites “the recent prevalence of social commerce and the overwhelming empirical data around the lift driven by personalized creator recommendations” as drivers behind the Branded Storefronts launch timing.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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