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Luna Flowerday Cultivating Authenticity And Empowerment Through Social Media (1)


Luna Flowerday: Cultivating Authenticity And Empowerment Through Social Media

On Instagram, where authenticity often shines amidst curated perfection, Luna Flowerday stands as a beacon of genuine connection and empowerment. At 33 years old, Luna is a mother to two spirited children, with another that just recently arrived earthside, and a loving partner to her husband, Ben. 

Together, they’ve crafted a life that harmonizes family, entrepreneurship, and a deep connection to the land on Australia’s east coast. Luna’s journey, from university aspirations to a thriving online business, embodies the transformative power of authenticity and community building on social media.

Luna Flowerday: Cultivating Authenticity And Empowerment Through Social Media

The Beginnings of Luna’s Social Media Journey

Luna’s path to authenticity was not without its challenges. She initially pursued a university degree, a path that many expected of her. Yet, her heart yearned for something different.

“5 years ago I was trying to finish a uni degree that no longer aligned with me to enter the workforce & start climbing that corporate ladder away from my new family”.

The turning point came when Luna and her family embarked on a two-year journey across Australia in a bus, embracing a nomadic lifestyle. During this transformative period, they nurtured dreams of land ownership and a life off the grid.

“We recently purchased our long-envisioned home and 40 acres of land on the east coast of Australia,” Luna Flowerday shares. Their vision involves transitioning to an off-grid existence, guided by syn-tropic and permaculture principles. Luna aspires to cultivate as much of their own food as possible, forging a sustainable and harmonious relationship with the land.

Beyond their off-grid aspirations, Luna and Ben hold a profound dream of creating a space where women and their families can experience the sacred journey of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum surrounded by a supportive community. Luna’s own transition to motherhood fueled her passion for natural alternatives in emotional and physical health, leading her to Young Living.

“My transition to motherhood and postpartum experience led me to seek natural alternatives for my family’s well-being through Young Living. And through seasons of loss and hardship within motherhood I have become super passionate about sharing this lifestyle, particularly my self-care practices, my morning rituals, and opening the dialogue around alternative ways of living and being.” Luna explains.  

She decided to become a brand partner with the company, a choice that transformed the trajectory of their lives. Through this journey, Luna found her calling in sharing her self-care practices, morning rituals, and alternative ways of living and being with her community.

The Power of Authenticity on Social Media

Over the past four years, Luna Flowerday has cultivated a beautiful online community through Instagram. Her authenticity and commitment to sharing her journey have resonated deeply with her followers. Luna is a true open book, sharing both her triumphs and struggles, creating a connection that goes beyond curated content.

“I have spent the last 4 years building this beautiful online community through Instagram but am now expanding my offerings and community over to this space too to allow myself to share in my full calling without concerns of algorithms and censorship”.

Luna’s journey on social media has evolved into a thriving business. She is a testament to the transformative potential of pursuing authenticity in the digital realm. Luna’s journey with Young Living started as a quest for natural solutions and blossomed into a flourishing business that spans the globe.

“Today, my team is 4000 strong and spread across the world,” Luna proudly states. She emphasizes that success in network marketing, as in life, requires hard work, perseverance, and stepping outside one’s comfort zone. Luna believes in the power of saying “yes” to opportunities that align with one’s values and dreams.

Luna Flowerday’s journey is a message of empowerment and self-discovery. She encourages those considering a similar path to focus on personal branding. In today’s landscape, followers connect with individuals on a deeply personal level, trusting those who share relatable content.

“Instead of looking for all the reasons why this couldn’t be for me too, I instead focused on all the reasons it COULD. There is nothing special about me, I just decided to look at this opportunity and instead think ‘Why not me?’. You are only ever one decision away from a completely different life” Luna advises. She stresses the importance of authenticity as the foundation for building a devoted audience.

In Luna’s coaching approach, she not only imparts business tactics but also mindset shifts. She emphasizes self-worth and encourages influencers to recognize their value.

“You are only ever one decision away from a completely different life,” Luna asserts. She guides her team in presenting themselves authentically and professionally, creating a polished online presence that aligns with their brand and resonates with their intended audience.

A Glimpse into the Future

Luna Flowerday’s entrepreneurial spirit continues to thrive as she ventures into new projects. She plans to collaborate with her children on creating kid-friendly content for social media, adding a family dimension to her digital presence. Her commitment to personal branding and coaching remains steadfast, with upcoming workshops to guide individuals in shaping their online businesses.

“Our big, big dream is to welcome like-minded families and individuals onto our land to help in this co-creation and eventually create a space where women and their families can come and birth freely in their power, surrounded by a community of support in the incredibly sacred, pregnancy, birth and postpartum time.” Luna shares.

Luna’s Recent Instagram Posts: A Glimpse into Her Authentic Life

Luna’s Instagram feed is a captivating mosaic of her life’s journey, reflecting her commitment to authenticity and her mission to empower others. Here are some of her recent posts that highlight the essence of Luna’s digital presence:

Family and Nature in Harmony: Luna often shares snapshots of her family’s life on their 40-acre property on Australia’s east coast. These images capture the beauty of their off-grid lifestyle, from tending to their garden to embracing the joys of outdoor living. Luna’s captions convey the deep connection she and her family have with the land, emphasizing the importance of sustainability and self-sufficiency.

“Now that we own our own home & land we know all the little improvements & projects we slowly accomplish are adding value & love to the place we spend the most time.”

Pregnancy and Self-Care: As Luna recently welcomed another child into her family, she openly discussed her journey through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Her Instagram posts offer a candid view of the challenges and triumphs she experiences during this sacred time. Luna’s commitment to natural alternatives for emotional and physical health shines through, as she shares her self-care practices and rituals that have helped her navigate the highs and lows of motherhood.

“So grateful to be surrounded by so many incredible women dreaming bigger & creating a life of intention outside of society’s norm together.”

Community and Connection: Luna’s Instagram community is more than just a group of followers; it’s a supportive network of like-minded individuals. Luna often engages with her audience through interactive posts and stories, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment. Her captions and comments reveal the genuine connections she’s forged with her followers, proving that authenticity transcends the digital divide.


In a world where authenticity can be a rare gem on social media, Luna Flowerday’s story is an inspiration. She reminds us that by embracing our true selves and connecting authentically, we can empower not only ourselves but also those who follow our journeys.

If you want to be a part of Luna’s empowering community and continue to be inspired by her authentic journey, be sure to follow her on social media and join her in this transformative adventure.

Romilly Anne Glenton

Romilly A. Glenton is a Spain-based writer with a deep passion for the influencer economy and creator space. Her writings offer insightful perspectives on digital trends and the evolving landscape of social media influencers. Living in the heart of Spain, Romilly's work is infused with a unique blend of traditional cultural insights and modern digital developments. She skillfully dissects viral trends and influencer marketing strategies, making complex topics accessible and engaging. Her articles are not just informative, but a reflection of her own journey through the rapidly changing digital world. When she's not writing, Romilly enjoys exploring Spain's rich culture, drawing inspiration for her insightful pieces.

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