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How The Content Architects Founder Hena Husain Helps Brands Leverage 3,000+ Cultural Moments Per Year (1)


How The Content Architects Founder Hena Husain Helps Brands Leverage 3,000+ Cultural Moments Per Year

How The Content Architects Founder Hena Husain Helps Brands Leverage 3,000+ Cultural Moments Per Year

The Content Architects is a startup founded by Hena Husain that specializes in helping brands and content creators capitalize on trending cultural moments. 

Hena has built a digital crystal ball for the content world by transforming obscure holidays and memes into marketing gold. 

Her flagship product, the Key Dates Finder platform, doesn’t just list events; it unearths opportunities that most would overlook and can provide insight on when the wrong time to activate an initiative is, such as launching a new tech product around Amazon Prime Day. 

Standing at the intersection of culture, technology, and content strategy – where real-time reactions can determine a brand’s relevance – Hena unveils her company’s framework and value in the creator economy.

Seizing Cultural Touchpoints

Hena’s career began in PR shortly after the recession, where she gained experience across diverse sectors, including B2C luxury, lifestyle brands, B2B, and global government-led projects. This varied background honed her ability to stay attuned to society, culture, and trends. 

The inspiration for The Content Architects struck while Hena was working with a stationery brand. 

“I got them into Vogue India, which is like the creme de la creme,” she recalls. “But it was also National Pencil Day, and they were scrolling through Instagram. [I realized] there is a whole load of other opportunities we’re missing out on that we need to tap into.”

Recognizing the potential in these “low-hanging fruit” moments and insights from a friend’s entrepreneurial ventures propelled Hena to launch her own business. 

The Content Architects identifies and helps clients leverage these cultural touchpoints to help brands create timely, relevant content.

“We help brands stay on top of trending moments across their cultural calendar year – national days, awareness days, fashion events, or other key moments like Elon Musk flying off into space,” Hena explains. “We’ve got random events that people love to talk about, such as the start of cherry blossom season or brand anniversaries.”

According to her, bringing all these moments together makes The Content Architects a standout platform.

Helping Brands Capitalize on Cultural Moments

The Content Architects’ flagship product, Key Dates Finder, is a comprehensive resource for identifying and leveraging timely events and topics.

The platform is designed to be user-friendly, catering to content creators and marketers who need to quickly plan their calendars and make creative connections. The platform includes additional context and notes about each event, helping users understand potential sensitivities or backlash associated with certain topics.

In addition to the Key Dates Finder platform, The Content Architects offers a range of services, including content creation, strategy development, and workshops. These workshops focus on trends, “trend jacking,” and navigating the lifecycle of cultural moments and new technologies.

The company serves a diverse clientele, focusing on creators who are increasingly expected to engage with current events. 

“One trend we’ve seen is that many creators are hosting their own news platforms now,” Hena observes. “They’re the ones who need to stay on top of all the different moments happening within their sectors, especially  as they get bigger.”

To further support its audience, The Content Architects publishes a newsletter called “Looped.” Delivered approximately every ten days, the newsletter highlights upcoming key dates, emerging trends, and successful brand hijacks of cultural moments.

Hena highlights the strategic value of its offerings: “When you’re creating content or a campaign, you go through different stages. We see ourselves right at the beginning – the planning stage. Nobody wants to do a campaign at the wrong time of year, either.”

The Four Pillars: Culture, Content, Tech, and Trends

The Content Architects builds its client strategies around four key pillars: culture, content, tech, and trends.

Culture forms the foundation, with the company analyzing macro-level cultural shifts to understand audience preferences and values. “We look at the company’s values and context: where things lie and how to appeal to an audience,” Hena explains.

Content remains central to the strategy, but The Content Architects integrates technological considerations to enhance efficiency. 

Despite being “completely non-technical” initially, Hena has embraced tech solutions, developing tools like a “press release roaster” and exploring AI applications. “We can’t ignore tech anymore. Its relationship with content is about to get far more complicated,” she notes.

Trend analysis is woven throughout the process, informing cultural insights and shaping content creation. The Key Dates Finder platform perfectly exemplifies this, helping clients identify and leverage timely moments.

Combining these four pillars, The Content Architects creates tailored strategies that resonate with target audiences and capitalize on emerging opportunities. As Hena points out, “The sessions are very much tailored towards the company or the individual.”

Innovative Tech

While embracing innovations like AI, The Content Architects remains cautious about its limitations, particularly regarding future planning and handling of new information.

“AI comes with a bunch of caveats,” Hena notes. “The thing AI struggles with the most is news and new information because it constantly gets mixed up with old data.” 

To mitigate these risks, The Content Architects uses AI primarily for process optimization and information parsing rather than data sourcing.

Brand Identity

Maintaining brand identity remains paramount in the company’s strategies. Hena strives to understand a brand’s core values and aspirations before incorporating trending topics. 

“The first thing we do is dial down on the brand, their values, identity, and what they represent,” she explains.

This deep understanding of brand identity influences how The Content Architects handles trend integration. The company carefully selects which trends align with a brand’s voice and values, considering factors like tone and target audience.

Real-Time Marketing

The Content Architects empowers brands to capitalize on unexpected cultural moments and trending topics through agile real-time marketing strategies. 

For Hena, quick decision-making and execution are top priorities in these scenarios, citing memes as an example. “When it comes to memes, if you cannot execute and sign it off quickly enough, there’s no point in moving forward,” she advises. 

She notes that brands should be prepared with a clear tone of voice and streamlined approval processes to react swiftly to trending topics.

The company has launched a “Trends WhatsApp group” to facilitate real-time engagement and alert clients to emerging opportunities.

Global Content Strategies

For clients targeting different geographical markets, the company’s Key Dates Finder platform offers customizable filters based on sector, event type, and market. Currently, the platform focuses on the UK and U.S. markets, with a broader “global” category for international events.

Hena recommends a panoramic approach to content planning. 

“If you’re a tea company, you might filter food and drink. Will you put in sports? I don’t know, but you’ll miss the Olympics if you don’t,” she explains, advising brands not to overlook unexpected opportunities outside their immediate industry.

From Key Dates to Creator Empowerment

The Content Architects has several new initiatives, updates, and a growth trajectory plan in store.

Launching a free tier for its Key Dates Finder platform is central to the company’s expansion. This move will provide users access to approximately 800 key moments throughout the year, broadening the platform’s reach and utility.

The company’s newsletter, “Looped,” remains a cornerstone of its offerings. It provides insights into trends, upcoming vital moments, and case studies. “I love our newsletter,” Hena tells us. “I love newsletters in general.”

According to her predictions, creators are poised to take on an increasingly central role within the industry. “I see creators will become the new news anchors,” Hena states. “TV and social media will become more intertwined.”

This trend is expected to impact The Content Architects’ services, potentially expanding their client base beyond social media managers and PR professionals to include a broader range of content creators.

Hena also anticipates a growing intersection between technology and content creation. “As tech and content merge, people are going to look for ways of doing things and new solutions,” she notes, hinting that The Content Architects aims to seize this opportunity to grow.

Other plans include introducing webinars and expanding workshop offerings, focusing on trend tracking and forecasting. 

When it comes to Hena’s goal for the company’s goal, she wants to expand beyond being a  “resource for knowing what’s going on” to a platform that ties content plans together through tech or strategy.

Cecilia Carloni, Interview Manager at Influence Weekly and writer for NetInfluencer. Coming from beautiful Argentina, Ceci has spent years chatting with big names in the influencer world, making friends and learning insider info along the way. When she’s not deep in interviews or writing, she's enjoying life with her two daughters. Ceci’s stories give a peek behind the curtain of influencer life, sharing the real and interesting tales from her many conversations with movers and shakers in the space.

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