By: Net Influencer
This influencer is a boisterous independent news outlet that promotes some of Montreal’s best dishes.
INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS has just over 64,000 followers and guides them through all of the secret food spots within the city. Each picture shows off the alluring nature of every dish, showing off how every restaurant is able to put its own spin on its meals.
With 177,000 followers and nearly 4,000 posts, tastemontreal has no trouble going in-depth about some of the city’s finest food options.
Collating an assortment of desserts and mains, this influencer presents a wide variety of dishes that originate from countries all across the globe.
This is an influencer in Montreal that uses Quebec French dialect throughout their posts. However, that does not stop them from translating how good the food is to their 28.2K followers.
mtlatable is the official Instagram account for the MTLáTABLE food festival, an event that aims to showcase the diversity and growth of Montreal’s food scene.
With nearly 30,000 followers, these ladies have tried and tested an abundance of moreish dishes and never fail to give their honest opinion.