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Creators Fear Brands Will Use AI Loopholes To Avoid Paying For Their Likenesses

Some creators have expressed concerns that brands may attempt to use artificial intelligence to sidestep compensating them for the use of their name, image, and likeness (NIL), according to recent reporting from Business Insider.

The story cites an attorney named Thya Sanders, who owns the legal advisory firm Bloomie for Creators. Sanders states that she has seen some brands start to include clauses in contracts asking creators to license not only their NIL but also their eye movements, facial expressions, and voice cadence.

One creator, Patricia Redulla, told Business Insider that she has encountered AI clauses in brand contracts with increasing frequency. She provided an example clause stating she would give the brand the perpetual right to turn her voice and facial features into AI for future advertising at their discretion.

Redulla said she felt compelled to sign this type of agreement to avoid losing out on brand opportunities despite not receiving additional compensation for granting usage rights to her likeness for AI purposes.

While some high-profile creators like actor Ariel Marie have embraced licensing their likenesses to AI companies, other creators fear the trend could severely undercut their earnings potential if it enables brands to create advertisements without hiring and compensating human influencers.

Four creators BI spoke with stated they would not consider selling their likeness to be turned into an AI avatar, with one, Jeneba Wint, stating “That’s where your uniqueness is, where your brand is, where your value is.”

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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