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From Selfie Sticks To Hidden Gems: AirAsia’s Latest Influencer Marketing Strategy Featuring “Kudasi” Girl

AirAsia has unveiled its latest marketing initiative, the “Go Somewhere Different” campaign. The campaign features travel content creator Devin Halbal, known for her selfie stick videos and use of the Japanese word “kudasai.” The campaign is designed to inspire Gen Z travelers to explore unique destinations within AirAsia’s network across Asia.

Amanda Woo, AirAsia’s group head of commercial, told MARKETING-INTERACTIVE that Halbal has a significant following in key growth markets such as Japan, Korea, and the United States. The collaboration showcases AirAsia’s connectivity and promotes new destinations to a broader audience seeking affordable flight options.

Halbal is on a summer tour sponsored by AirAsia, visiting Malaysia, Almaty, the Philippines, Thailand, and Japan. The airline focuses on attracting travelers from North Asia and other continents to explore destinations like Kazakhstan, the Philippines, and Japan.

AirAsia’s strategy aligns with the company’s approach to marketing, as explained by Rudy Khaw, CEO of AirAsia Brand co, at MARKETING-INTERACTIVE’s Content 360 conference. He emphasizes the importance of gut feel and intuition for big ideas, stating that data can sometimes be a barrier to creativity. He advocates for a more forward-thinking and visionary approach to marketing.

Khaw also highlights the importance of authenticity in content creation, noting that consumers are looking for human connections in brand marketing. He suggests that any aspect of life can be turned into content, emphasizing the ubiquity of content in everyday experiences.

The campaign is in its early stages, with AirAsia promising more travel inspiration and destination content in the coming weeks.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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