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Arthur Wang


Arthur Wang: Co-Founder Of Fud On Creating New Opportunities For Freelancers And Hustlers 

Who is Arthur Wang? 

An American immigrant, and natural-born hustler, Arthur Wang is the creator behind the innovative hustling app FUD. Arthur Wang is an entrepreneur & executive with deep roots in entertainment, digital marketing, and advertising. 

Arthur Wang: Co-Founder Of Fud On Creating New Opportunities For Freelancers And Hustlers 

Before FUD, he was the COO and founding CMO of Super Deluxe, GM of Audience Development at CBS Interactive, Senior Product Manager at Oracle, and finance executive at Mellon Ventures, CIBC World Markets, and Jefferies.

Beyond all of Arthur’s experience, he is a kind and very social person who does his best to continuously give back and help as many hustlers as possible. 

The idea of creating FUD came to Arthur during Covid 19 when he was trying to purchase a new pair of Jordan One sneakers online. 

Arthur Wang: Co-Founder Of Fud On Creating New Opportunities For Freelancers And Hustlers 

Read along as we sit down and interview Arthur to learn more about how purchasing online shoes influenced the creation of a global hustling community.

What is FUD The Social Hustling App?

“Built by hustlers for hustlers, FUD is a social media platform for like-minded individuals who strive to make money online.” 

The app takes all the features we love about social media and incorporates them to serve an educational self-improving purpose. 

Users can enroll in courses, learn unprecedented new skills, and benefit one another through previous experiences, helping “newbies” avoid the mistakes of those before them. 

These courses are paid or free and use an algorithm that promotes new skills based on relevance, search, and interest. 

The story of FUD

Like many new innovative platforms, it all started when everyone was at home scrolling their phone. He states,” During Covid-19, I was trying to buy a pair of Jordan Ones for fun, and found out that kids online are reselling sneakers and that there’s a resale market! I decided to give it a try, and as a newbie, I sold over $10,000 worth of sneakers.” 

His success in the sneaker resale market to him was a milestone, and a reminder of how many innovative ways to make money online exist. 

Hustling isn’t new to Arthur, as he adds, “I paid for my first car in baseball cards, and the sneaker success took me way back to those first hustling days.”

Paring these moments of realization and Arthur’s previous work experience with young entrepreneurs in his previous company led him to conclude that hustlers sometimes don’t know where to start, or what to do next.

Piecing together all these scattered elements of expertise and knowledge, FUD was born to pave the way for people like Arthur, who are born “go-getters.” 

Why the name Fud?

It is just Arthur being irreverent, as he explains, “I wanted to play with the whole fear, uncertainty, and doubt, and I get a chuckle out of anything with a FU in it. I’m cool being the black sheep and doing things differently.”

Why a social hustling community?

Resources on specific hustles are scarce. The results are bragged about; competing platforms exist, but the “How to” element is missing. 

He adds, “I love watching money-making content, or as I like to call it, money porn, but I feel like a part is always left out. It’s never what’s behind the Lamborghini.” 

“Starting a side hustle can be lonely,” says Arthur. “It’s like starting a business; we want to make sure you know the way. We’re not for everyone but for those who want to get going with their hustle.”  

“At FUD, we want to be your assisting partner. By giving you better information, we want to make you better at what you do or aspire to do while helping you explore your full potential.” 

How Fud works? 

Unlike any freelance gig market, FUD is a social media platform where hustlers and individuals seeking to improve their skills gather and learn from each other. 

After signing up to Join FUD, you’ll be prompted to find your areas of interest and join different hustling communities, such as the popular “New Fustlers community,” where Arthur himself shares new updates and links to live events. 

The same strategies you see on other social platforms exist on FUD, making it an easy-to-navigate straightforward app. 

Features of the FUD app include Livestreams, short-form content, Q&A sessions, and the new course feature where educators and masters of a specific hustle can teach and deliver value in exchange for a one-time fee. 

Additionally, the app has a community section where users receive notifications and updates that include tips and tricks from topics or “Hustles” of their interest. 

Popular side hustle opportunities on FUD

Book Writing

Social media management

Content creation

Business development and sales

Ai utilization and work efficiency 

Does Fud partner with any other apps or services?

“A three-sided marketplace,” as Arthur describes the app. Made up of their major sectors, FUD serves much more than the eager-to-learn individual. Examples of the different marketplaces that FUD are the following: 

1 – Individuals who want to learn or elaborate upon their existing knowledge 

2- Experts who are vetted to share their “Know How” and teach the curious individuals

3- Tools and apps recommended through the app, such as “Canva, Shopify, Uber, etc.

Arthur elaborates on these points and says, “We bring all these different marketing segments 

and group them with short-form videos, live Q&A, and courses.”

The future of FUD 

The future of FUD lies in the success stories of other hustlers. When asking Arthur, CEO of FUD, where he sees his project within the next 5 to 6 years, he says: “I’m a big believer in hustle luck, hopefully with a bunch of success stories, I want to see people who joined make it big, and we were the place that helped them get going.”

Arthur adds, “I’m not trying to become another Harvard business school; that’s not my thing. I want to help the future generation of hustlers that are willing to bet on themselves by playing a small part in their big success stories, and help them get started.” 

FUD’s success isn’t measured by the people who join or the collaborations with different apps and services. The success of hustlers who join the app is the ultimate determining factor for Arthur and his team.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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