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Astrology Virtuoso Ryan Lu Reveals How He Enchants The Masses With His Content


Astrology Virtuoso Ryan Lu Reveals How He Enchants The Masses With His Content

Astrology Virtuoso Ryan Lu Reveals How He Enchants The Masses With His Content

Ryan Lu, known as “” on Instagram and TikTok, has tapped into astrology and manifestation to build a digital career.

Growing up, he was a huge fan of content creators, such as YouTubers and viners. His journey into content creation began in 2020, following his college graduation. 

The pandemic allowed Ryan to pursue his dream. With job prospects limited, he turned to TikTok and posted videos about various aspects of his life. 

“I just started posting videos about anything related to my life,” Ryan shares. “I felt like the more output I had, the more something would eventually stick.”

His persistence paid off when he focused on astrology and manifestation content. Those videos started doing well, and the success led him to narrow his focus and create a niche that resonated with his following.

The transition from newcomer to successful creator was challenging. “There’s no school for this,” Ryan notes. “There’s no one teaching you how to do this. You just start as a content creator and figure it out.”

Nevertheless, Ryan pulled through, attributing his success to consistency and a strong focus on community building

“I wanted my followers to know that I genuinely cared,” Ryan reveals. “When you start putting your followers and community first, the content thrives.” 

He sees social media as a great place to “connect with the masses” and “meet people you normally would not have the opportunity to meet.”

The creator’s breakthrough moment came in November 2020 when one of his manifestation videos gained significant traction. “I gained a thousand more followers,” he recalls. “I was like, ‘Oh, my God, I made it. It finally happened.’”

Nowadays, the Los Angeles-based content creator captivates millions with his unique blend of spirituality and self-improvement, offering daily doses of cosmic wisdom and empowerment. 

Through his story, Ryan reveals the intricacies of building a thriving online presence and handling brand collaborations while staying true to himself.

The Hallmarks of Ryan’s Content

Ryan attributes this success to his approach of keeping things “as simple and easy as possible.” 

“The point of my content is that anyone, whether you know anything about astrology or not, can come across one of my videos, and hopefully, by the end of the video, you’ll understand exactly what I’m saying,” he explains.

Ryan draws inspiration from his personal experiences and follower interactions to maintain freshness and avoid burnout

“I answer all my DMs, so I read what they’re going through,” he says. “When I have moments of doubt for myself, or I question things, that’s when I take out my notes app on my phone and write it down, and I’m like, ‘Let me make a video about this.’”

Astrology Virtuoso Ryan Lu Reveals How He Enchants The Masses With His Content

Despite his success, Ryan admits that balancing work and life remains challenging. 

“I feel like I am still trying to find that balance,” he confesses. The demands of content creation and the public eye can take a toll on mental health, a topic Ryan frequently addresses in his daily journaling.

“I can’t even really film a video unless I’m in at least a decent mood,” he reveals, crediting his dedication to genuine content for helping him build a strong connection with his audience.

Staying Authentic

Ryan deliberately avoids analytics and trends to maintain his originality. 

Since 2020, he has adhered to a self-imposed rule: “Don’t look at your page, don’t look at your profile, don’t look at your numbers, don’t look at comments. Anything.” 

This decision stems from recognizing the potential negative impact on his mental health and creative process.

“I’m more tuned in with making sure I’m making content that resonates with my audience versus what the numbers are doing,” Ryan explains, adding that chasing numbers can detract from genuine audience connection.

Regarding trends, Ryan focuses primarily on astrological events rather than social media fads. “Astrology is easy. Something’s happening at all times, and it’s always set, too. It’s never random, or something comes out of nowhere,” he says.

Interestingly, the influencer admits being out of touch with social media trends, stating he doesn’t watch social media at all. He avoids watching other creators’ content to prevent comparison and maintain his unique voice.

Brand Collaborations

Ryan’s content and growing influence have caught the attention of major brands like Rare Beauty and L’Oreal. For him, these collaborations represent a full-circle moment.

When deciding on brand partnerships, Ryan says it must align with his brand and audience interests.

Astrology Virtuoso Ryan Lu Reveals How He Enchants The Masses With His Content

As for his dream collaboration, Ryan has set his sights on tech and fashion giants. “I would love to do something with Apple. I would love to do something with Coach,” he reveals.

As Ryan approaches his fifth year as a content creator, he’s planning to expand beyond social media. “I’m developing an app for my followers,” he shares. The app will feature daily affirmations, aligning with his existing content strategy.

Additionally, the seasoned creator aspires to author a book on manifestation in the coming year. “I have a few things and a few projects in the pipeline that I’m trying to work on,” he says, hinting at more ventures on the horizon.

The Power of Passion

For those embarking on a content creation career, Ryan offers words of wisdom: “Stay completely true to yourself.” Although it might sound cliché, he believes it is crucial for sustainability in the field.

He stresses the significance of genuine passion for one’s content, adding that this enthusiasm is key to combating burnout and maintaining consistency.

Ryan also recommends adaptability. “This industry is constantly changing. You have to be able to adapt,” he notes. He preaches growing alongside one’s audience, not just acquiring new followers.

Looking to the future of influencer marketing, Ryan is optimistic. “I believe the creator economy is booming right now,” he says, predicting that influencer marketing will outpace traditional celebrity endorsements in effectiveness.

Ryan’s final thoughts reflect his gratitude and commitment to his audience. “I want to give a really big shout-out and moment of gratitude to my community and followers. I do all of this for them,” he states.

Cecilia Carloni, Interview Manager at Influence Weekly and writer for NetInfluencer. Coming from beautiful Argentina, Ceci has spent years chatting with big names in the influencer world, making friends and learning insider info along the way. When she’s not deep in interviews or writing, she's enjoying life with her two daughters. Ceci’s stories give a peek behind the curtain of influencer life, sharing the real and interesting tales from her many conversations with movers and shakers in the space.

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