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8 Powerful Benefits of TikTok Marketing


8 Powerful Benefits of TikTok Marketing

TikTok has become a crucial part of the world of Social Media. This is due to the rapid growth of TikTok users and the platform’s ability to interact with them at a high level.

Influencer Marketing is one of the most powerful ways to market your brand on the platform. It surpasses its competitors with up to 11 times higher engagement rates.

In this article, we will walk through 8 Powerful Benefits of Tiktok Marketing and highlight the ways your brand can market itself through the app.

Have you ever wondered if TikTok is good for marketing? While TikTok keeps growing in popularity, many brands don’t know the rewarding benefits of using TikTok marketing. This is your chance to stand out and get ahead with TikTok social media marketing.


On the social media app, Tiktok, you can post organic video content, advertise, and promote your brand, product, or service. You can tailor creative and informative short-form videos, develop iconic marketing campaigns, and partner with influencers and other brands to reach your ideal buyers.

While TikTok consists mainly of a younger demographic, the social media platform puts a smile on most any user’s face. And, the demographic is slowly changing to include a wider age range of audience. The content created in 2022 far exceeds the original sing-alongs, dance videos, and funny short clips.

Current trends include seeing both influencers and businesses share tips and tricks, reviews, and full-on tutorials. The app makes it easy to share information about industry-related topics in a fun and interactive way.


TikTok is undeniably one of the most popular and aggressively-growing social media platforms on the market today. People love the fast-paced, fun, and engaging content. As a business, it is important to consider marketing on TikTok as part of your overall strategy.

If your brand is not active on TikTok already, here is a list of 8 benefits of TikTok marketing you need to know:

1. You Can Significantly Increase Your Brand Awareness

It’s worth noting that TikTok has now exceeded 1 billion monthly active users. That’s equal to 12.9% of the world’s population. But, what’s even more impressive is that this has all happened within the last 5 years since the app’s early creation.

With this point in mind, using TikTok marketing will give you access to an enormous amount of potential leads. Leads your business would otherwise miss out on.

2. Tiktok Is An All-In-One Platform For Making The Best Video Marketing Campaigns

With the launch of TikTok for Business, the app allows you to set up all your content and marketing campaigns with ease! You can shoot the content conveniently with your smartphone, add visual and sound effects in the app, and then track the analytics – all in the same place. This makes it super simple to trial what content works for your brand and target audience. 

Further to providing everything you need to create well-put-together ads, Tiktok for Business also allows you to:

  • Set a budget
  • Find the best audience
  • Check the data from the campaign
  • Test your brand’s creative vision
  • Get help with creating eye-catching campaigns with the use of the E-learning Center (also known as the ‘Ads Manager’)

3. Short-Form Videos Are Still The Most Trending Form Of Content In 2022

People love getting entertained while they need to learn something. So, needless to say, the growth of Tiktok was inevitable. But with an ever-increasing amount of online content and advertisements, people’s attention span is decreasing every year.

Today, you only have an average of 8 seconds to capture and hold your target consumers’ attention. TikTok’s short-form content makes connecting and converting your ideal customer easier. The app also lets you cross-promote your videos to all other major platforms.

4. Tiktok Makes It Easy To Hook Your Audience

TikTok allows you to hook your desired audience through the app’s wide range of creative and popular video editing features. You can create everything from video tutorials to informational product or service videos. You can also make entertaining content to increase engagement. 

With the use of popular and relevant hashtags, you can increase your reach easily and grow your following quickly.

5. Tiktok Allows You To Find Trends Early

Trends come and go, but chances are, if you come across a trending video challenge, it started on TikTok!

From popular hashtags to trending sound effects, TikTok has a way of going viral. Even on other platforms. The app makes it effortless to target the kind of content that seems to be rising in popularity. 

Simply look up TikTok’s “Trending” or “Discover” pages, and voila! If you get in early, you might be able to go viral and take advantage of the extra exposure.

If you get stuck on content ideas, the Discover or Trending page will also help you spark more creativity for your next post, ad, or marketing campaign! 

6. Tiktok Has The Largest Engagement Rate On Social Media

In a Neuro-Insight study, their results show that TikTok not only stands out in the way people approach their content, but they have an incredible 15% larger engagement rate compared to other industry-leading platforms.

Combining it with Tiktok’s likable content, users are more likely to follow your call-to-action (CTA).

7. Tiktok Has Less Competition Amongst Businesses

If you are a marketer or own a business, promoting it on TikTok can put you further ahead of your competitors.

Since the early days of TikTok, the platform has mainly been driven by creators. But, with the rising popularity and launch of TikTok for Business, more companies have now begun to notice Tiktok marketing as a great opportunity.

Through an InVideo brand study, a whopping 50% of the 317 top brands don’t have a presence on TikTok yet. This gives you a great head start on your TikTok marketing efforts.

8. Tiktok Social Media Marketing Is Cheap And Easy To Start

TikTok heavily relies and thrives on user-generated trending video content, your business can cheaply and quickly get started with marketing on the platform. With TikTok’s easy-to-use guides on how to get started, all you need is a phone and a creative idea. If you lack ideas, you can look up other competitors and creators on the platform to get inspiration. 

If your marketing budget is tight, you can rest assured that you don’t have to pay for ads or partnerships to make it on the platform. Using a proper TikTok marketing strategy, trending content, and hashtags will get you far!

If you’re interested in learning how the TikTok algorithm works, check out this article on How the TikTok Algorithm Works.


Diversifying your Tiktok marketing can provide more value, increase your reach, and grow your following.

The three ways you can market your brand on TikTok are:

1. Marketing Through Organic Video Content

Marketing your brand through organic content is vital to building trust with your audience. 

Consistently posting videos to TikTok and engaging with users’ comments will build that trust.

The more content you post on TikTok every week, the more leads you can grow organically!

2. Marketing Through TikTok Advertising

With TikTok for Business’, you can create persuasive short ads that capture your audience instantly. 

The five most popular ad types for driving more traffic (in a non-specific order) are:

  • Hashtag challenges
  • Top view ads
  • Band takeovers
  • In-feed ads
  • Branded effects

So depending on your brand, product, or service, you can target your audience with the most suitable advertisement strategy.

3. Tiktok Influencer Marketing

Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or creator, taking advantage of influencer marketing campaigns on TikTok benefits everyone involved. Statistics show that TikTok’s influencer engagement beats both Youtube and Instagram on all parameters. 

Micro-influencers are the biggest winners, with an impressive engagement rate of 17.96% compared to Instagram’s 3.86% and Youtube’s 1.63%. This kind of engagement can ultimately increase conversion rates, making it highly valuable to an influencer partnership or brand collaboration.


If a large part of your audience is between 16 and 34 years old, TikTok is a MUST for social media marketing.

Getting started is easy. Since TikTok thrives on organic content, it’s a great and budget-friendly way to improve your customer reach.

If you’re worried about not having enough content ideas, you can use TikTok’s Discover page and hashtags to get inspired.

With TikTok’s unique video-editing tools, the highest engagement rate in the industry, trend-starting content, and low competition, there’s no doubt that TikTok is good for marketing!

Are you interested in learning how to create a successful TikTok marketing strategy? Then check out our article:

How To Create A Successful TikTok Marketing Strategy

karina gandola

Karina Gandola was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karina loves writing about the influencer marketing space and an area she is passionate about. She considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Poshna.

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