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Cheapguy Rahul The Creative Hustle Behind The Lifehack Influencer


Cheapguy Rahul: The Creative Hustle Behind The Lifehack Influencer

In a market oversaturated with entertainment creators competing for attention, Rahul chose the informative, valuable route to online success. 

Rahul, or who some of you may know as CheapGuyRahul, is a life hack and financial awareness creator who helps millions of viewers save money and earn more. 

Read along as we delve deeper into Rahul’s success story, examining his creative process, inspirations, and ultimate objective from what he does. 

Cheapguy Rahul: The Creative Hustle Behind The Lifehack Influencer

Cheapguy Rahul: The Creative Hustle Behind The Lifehack Influencer

Who is Rahul Arora Off Camera? 

“I’m a first-generation immigrant in Canada and a full-time digital marketing specialist in the financial sector. I’ve been interested in finance for longer than I can remember, and my life at the moment is pretty much focused on crafting marketing strategies for financial products.” 

Rahul adds, “I’m the same guy you see on camera even though I do play many personalities, the conten I make is informative more thant anything else ridding me of the obligation to compete for attention.” 

Rahul emphsizes that his audience are simply seeking answers and direction rather than the typical dopamine rush they get form endlessly scrolling their feed. 

What inspired you to start creating content? 

“Content Creation and the topics I cover were born out of necessity; there was a huge gap in the market, and I dedicated a sufficient amount of time and effort to bridge it. 

Rahul explains that as an immigrant, you start building from scratch when you arrive, and not many guides, coaches, or friends have the required knowledge to help.

He adds, “I’m frugal, and there is no shame about it, as it’s part of my building process to become financially free, and I get hundreds of thank you letters and gifts from the people I help.”

What does the creative process look like for you? 

Cheapguy Rahul: The Creative Hustle Behind The Lifehack Influencer

With a full-time career at one of the largest investment firms in Canada, Rahul’s days get insanely packed, and brainstorming new Ideas is almost impossible. He tells us, “I only have a couple of hours each week to come up with new ideas, and It’s usually part of my morning workout routine. 

While on the Treadmill, I’d look up the best-performing content, browse hashtags, look at what other creators in my niche are doing, and pile up new ideas. It’s all fact-checked collectively, then set to be filmed.” 

Are Your Videos Scripted, Or Do You Freestyle Everything On The Spot?

Rahul tells us that all videos are scripted but not in a time-consuming manner. Instead, he writes down the basic idea and important points only minutes before shooting. 

According to Rahul, unlike other creators, he’s very time sensitive and calculated with his creative endevours. A cotridicting take on the relaxed and luxury-stereotyped lifestyle. 

How Profitable Is the Lifehack Industry? 

Cheapguy Rahul: The Creative Hustle Behind The Lifehack Influencer

“Considering that content creation is basically a side hustle, it isn’t driven by profit at the moment, and I have turned down many deals that don’t align with my overall brand and mission. 

“I have anywhere from 3 to 5 brands reaching out to me per day, yet I’d only collaborate with 1 – 2 of them every month, and that is for moral reasons and the fact that I don’t need them.” 

Answering our questions, Rahul tells us that the lifehack market is highly profitable and perhaps, but content creation revenue isn’t his main focus at the moment. He adds, “I make it look like I’m always active online, but really all processes are automated.”

Is there a Framework You Follow When Choosing Which Deals and Discounts To Promote?

Yes, and it’s not as complicated as you may think. Rahul quickly answers. I simply do not promote anything I wouldn’t personally go for. 

I have endless brands sending me merchandise and credit card companies reaching out for collaboration, but I’m overly cautious with the value I offer to my followers. 

The basis of Cheapguy Rahul’s brand is helping others, and while it may be tempting to promote products and services offering good endorsement deals, Rahul is strict about offering value to his followers and believes that this plays a prominent role in his overall success and engagement rate.

What Are Some Long-term Objectives of Your Influencer Career? 

Content creation is part of a much larger plan for Rahul, as he previously mentioned that his social channels all belong to his relatively new media company. 

He explains, “I obviously want to monetize and maximize my social presence, but thanks to my full-time career, I am able to do so at a much professional pace. I  already fulfilled the initial objective of helping thousands if not millions of viewers, and now it’s all about scaling value.”

Rahul tells us, “I can keep creating content for at least 25 years from now moving on this not so profitable rate, as long as followers find my content helpful, I’ve succeeded at what I was trying to accomplish.” 

Favorite Moments Of Being A Creator 

Rahul’s favorite thing about being an influencer is the love he gets from people he’s helped. He tells us, “I recently had one of my followers send me flowers and tell me that I helped them get out of debt, and that’s the type of love and recognition that keeps me going.” 

What Are Some Tips You Have For Aspiring Creators?

Don’t start if it’s not something you see yourself doing five years from now.

‘It’s a marathon, not a sprint. I’ve had well over 100 million views, and I can assure you that it doesn’t stop here, nor am I in a place where I can just sit back and relax now that I’ve reached these numbers.”

Have a Positive Mindset 

I can best describe content creation as an ever-evolving puzzle that creators will never completely figure out; to me, that’s the beauty of it. As technology evolves and creators get better at their craft, as a creator, you need to be willing to constantly chase quality and improvement. 


With professional strategized approaches, a solid background in digital marketing, and an eye for demand, CheapGuyRahul positioned himself as the go-to guy for financial tips in Canada.  From his success story, we conclude that content content creation doesn’t have to be time-consuming and a full-time gig. Instead, an influencer can treat it like a side hustle if the right tools and time-saving techniques are utilized. 

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