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Communicating Artistic Talents With Astrology And Promoting Wellness With Chester Gregory

Using a meaningful viewer-first approach Chester Gregory found the means to communicate his artistic talents and create new areas of opportunity. 

From a professional musical career to offering a well-rounded wellness course to help guide and give back to his followers, Chester bridges it all together with astrology and wellness content that speaks to each follower on a personalized level. 

Who Is Chester Gregory?

Communicating Artistic Talents With Astrology And Promoting Wellness With Chester Gregory

“I’m an artist from Gary, Indiana who wears multiple creative hats on a regular basis. I enjoy working and coaching people to improve their lives, and that’s mainly what I do when I’m not creating content.”

“While some may recognize me as the astrology guy on social media, I went through an extensive creative journey that allowed me to acquire multiple talents along the way.”

Chester explains that he works to communicate his values and interests with his audience as much as possible, through covering more than one niche and topic.

What Don’t Followers Know About You?

“Despite being an open book for my audience, and sharing all my interests and quirks online, I think that many don’t know that I’m actually an introvert,”F he explains. 

“I always tell my followers to expect some awkwardness if they meet me in person. When making videos, I imagine a friend behind the camera, which helps me feel more natural. However, when I’m put on the spot for an instant reaction, I can be a bit socially awkward.”

Is Content Creation a Full-time Thing?

“Right now, content creation is a full-time job for me. In addition to that, I also pursue music full-time and perform with four different symphony orchestras. On top of these commitments, I’m also building my online wellness course and community.”

What Inspired You To Create Content Around Astrology?

“I started creating content around two or three years ago, and this niche came up while experimenting with different formats and trying to find what works.”

Chester also explains that creating content was sometimes an overthought process, and being consistent with content creation was a personal challenge that he was working to overcome.

“I needed to overcome that thinking process and constantly post so I created what was called March for Wellness, a series where I’d check up on my followers, and provide wellness insights.”

“The first thing that really took off for me was an apology video where I was teaching people about the different ways to apologize.”

“March Wellness was done, and my followers built a strong connection with me, and there was an element of trust that later paved the way to where I am today.”

“But even though I managed to make a career out of more than one artistic career, I still deal with imposter syndrome and I think that it’s how I found my way to astrology.”

Tell Us About Keys To Your Content’s Success

Communicating Artistic Talents With Astrology And Promoting Wellness With Chester Gregory

“My journey is unique compared to any other creator because I make my followers feel seen rather than competing for their attention and trying to get them to see me.”

Chester explains that his high engagement with his audience is key to differentiation in the online space.

He tells us, it’s important to manage your online community effectively if you want to build that sense of trust and reliability with your audience. 

He elaborates, “This means considering feedback, replying to questions, and dedicating certain pieces to specific groups.”

How Far Do You See Yourself Taking Things?

“I think I’m just going with the flow at the moment and seeing where I can go with things. That’s the way I reached where I am today and I’m going to follow what led me to this success.”

“At the moment my focus is building my online communities and that is the next milestone of success, I want to go as far as I can with improving other people’s lives around me.”

How Does Your Messaging Regarding Astrology and Wellness Tie into Your Career Goals of Being an Actor?

“It all ties in together because it is not one message that is being conveyed. I speak about everything from wellness to astrology and trending topics.”

“So, it is more like a personal brand that is promoted through astrology rather than falling into a niche that you cannot branch out of.”

Where Do You Get the Creative Inspiration for Your Videos From?

“I have a rotation system of content that I like to follow and distribute my attention to all Zodiac signs because people love to see themselves in the content being created.”

“I also try to prioritize astrology content because it’s a trending topic at the moment, you even see many astrophysicists who used to shrug it off as pseudoscience now talking about it as more knowledgeable people are platformed to educate.”

How Easy Is It To Monetize Your Content?

“It’s very easy to work with brands using the content I create for its massive appeal.”

Chester explains, “These days, brands are all about finding influencers who can truly connect with their audience, and look closely at engagement rates.” 

“The high level of engagement and follower interaction of discussions and educational insights is what puts me ahead of other brand candidates, when it comes to brand deals.”

Wrapping up his answers, he adds, “While creator funds and brand deals fluctuate from time to time, I am fortunate to work with many household name brands, with major collaborations that I cannot disclose for the time being.”

What’s Next For You As A Creator?

“What’s next for me is continuing to develop our community called the C.H.E.S.S Board and it’s a community and course module. 

“We’ve been uploading the classes every single week, and that’s where most of my focus is at now. It’s a well-rounded educational resource that works to support and positively transform mental, physical, and financial well-being.”

“I’ll also be performing live with a few upcoming orchestras and working on creating more music, so there is a lot for my followers to look forward to.”

What Tips Of Advice Do You Have For Creators In The Wellness and Astrology Niche?

Do Everything With Intention

“The energy associated with what you’re doing goes a long way. Unless you’re coming from a place of conviction and creative intention, it’s hard to sustain momentum and genuine connection with your audience.”

“What I’ve found is that when I take a moment to sit with my intentions, followers and viewers often mention exactly what I had contemplated during my prayer or moment of reflection.”

Chester explains that he believes that it adds depth and meaning to the content or performance, showing people that it’s work coming from the creative not the competitive.

Work To Be Your Authentic Self

“The quirks and insecurities you may have about yourself are actually what set you apart and capture people’s attention.”

“It’s clear when a creator is being authentic and transparent with their audience versus when they’re just working to fulfill market demand.”

Chester explains that many people try to hide certain traits or interests when creating content, and therefore viewers value transparency and it serves as a competitive advantage to whoever masters it.

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Content writer / Marketing Professional Interviewing talents from all over the world bringing you the best of strategies and stories.

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