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Election Year Shakeup Why Consumers Are Seeing More Political Content From Influencers [REPORT]


Election Year Shakeup: Why Consumers Are Seeing More Political Content From Influencers [REPORT]

A new survey by Collective Voice reveals that 61% of consumers have noticed increased election-related content from creators they follow, signaling a shift as the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches.

The report surveyed both creators and consumers and found that 76% of consumers are open to political discussions from influencers, provided the content is respectful, positive, and educational.

Election Year Shakeup: Why Consumers Are Seeing More Political Content From Influencers [REPORT]

Source: Collective Voice

“The election provides a significant opportunity to amplify messages about crucial social issues,” creator Danni Adams stated in the report. 

Adams reports that her content strategy is evolving to include more educational materials and calls to action to foster civic engagement.

Consumer behavior is also influenced by the political beliefs of creators and brands, though to varying degrees. Approximately half of consumers are more likely to support creators who align with their values, and a third are more inclined to purchase promoted products from such creators.

Brand Partnerships Ahead of Election

Despite the uptick in political content, 75% of creators surveyed say the brands they collaborate with are “not political at all.” This aligns with a broader trend observed over the past year, where brands have become more cautious about engaging with social and political issues.

The survey indicates that about half of creators adjust their content and partnership strategies due to the election. However, 46% report no impact on their brand partnerships, and only 11% have seen a decrease in collaborations.

Election Year Shakeup: Why Consumers Are Seeing More Political Content From Influencers [REPORT]

Source: Collective Voice

When selecting brands to link to, 43% of creators prioritize “relevance to audience” as the most crucial factor, compared to 35% focusing on shared values and beliefs. This suggests that fulfilling consumer needs precedes value alignment in partnership decisions.

“Understanding the impact of election-year dynamics on creators is just one piece of the puzzle,” notes Clair Sidman, VP of Marketing at Collective Voice. 

Sidman adds that brands must consider how these shifts affect their overall content strategies to effectively engage hyper-focused audiences and optimize campaign performance.

Effective Strategies for the Election

The report highlights potential challenges for traditional marketing strategies during election years. As political campaigns saturate media channels, the effectiveness of conventional cost-per-mille (CPM) approaches may diminish. 

Sidman advises that while media becomes less efficient due to increased election content ad load, it may be an optimal time to invest in creator-led marketing strategies.

TikTok’s Culture-First Approach 

TikTok distinguishes itself by prioritizing creative and engaging content over traditional advertising formats. The platform’s algorithmic advantage promotes authentic and trend-driven content, which can be particularly beneficial during periods of high media saturation. 

Key features include:

  • A vibrant and active user base that engages with creative content
  • An emphasis on organic, interactive engagement rather than conventional ad formats
  • The potential for brands to leverage trending topics and challenges
  • An environment that rewards authentic, culture-driven content over overt advertising

The report suggests that TikTok’s dynamic environment could allow for more effective audience engagement, potentially yielding better results even amidst the broader election-related media saturation.

Substack as an Alternative Channel 

Substack offers a distinct approach to audience engagement through its newsletter and direct content delivery model. The platform provides several advantages:

  • Bypasses the saturation of mainstream social media and news outlets
  • Enables brands to connect with audiences through personalized, high-value content
  • Fosters more intimate relationships with subscribers
  • Allows for the delivery of in-depth, nuanced content that may be difficult to convey on other platforms
  • Enhances brand credibility by positioning companies as thought leaders in their space

The report indicates that by utilizing Substack, brands can potentially avoid direct competition with election-related media coverage while still maintaining meaningful engagement with their target audience.

The full report is available here.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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