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Mastering Imaginative Skits With Crayron Ronnie


Mastering Imaginative Skits With Crayron Ronnie

His passion for translating imaginative ideas into real-life situations, painting a mass-comprehensible picture that was once just a thought, paired with his appetite for standing out, is how he reached his success levels.

From a child crafting humorous videos to a driven creator who can’t seem to halt, Ronnie Thomas, also known as Crayron to many,  joins us today in an insightful interview.

Read along as we discuss his inspirations, creative methods, ultimate objective, and journey to becoming one of the most relatable skit creators on social media.

Mastering Imaginative Skits With Crayron Ronnie

Who Is The Crayron We Don’t Know On Social Media?

Mastering Imaginative Skits With Crayron Ronnie

“Many think that I only do social media, but I actually have a full-time job in the Air Force. Aside from that, I think that I share most of my everyday life.”

How Did Skit Creation Start? 

“I started making content back in school when I was 11 or 12 years old, and I think it just grew on me; I simply cannot stop making content.”

“I remember making videos on an iPod and sharing them on Facebook, and throughout the years, I fell in love with the idea of finding relatable topics, conceptualizing them, and then seeing the aftermath performance as a final project.”

Crayron explains that he initially thought that likes and people’s interaction with his videos were what motivated him, but through the ups and downs of the creative journey, he found that if he is not creating content, he becomes “miserable.”

Tell Us About The Creative Process 

Mastering Imaginative Skits With Crayron Ronnie

“I’ve always wondered if other creators get their ideas like I do. I’ll be watching a show or remembering a cartoon and trying to think of the worst-case scenario of that thought or scene.”

He elaborates with an example: “Courage the dog skits are some of my favorite skits to make, and my process of thinking about the worst-case scenario always plays out well because that dog is always in his worst case.”

Ronnie explains that translating what is so perfected and family-friendly into a standard friend-to-friend situation is what makes his videos a hit. He adds his personal touch to the character and makes each video as close to real-life 2024 situations as possible. 

Are the videos scripted, or is it a real-time process?

“I’ve used both methods; however, when recording on the spot, I often forget to include elements that can make or break the video.”

“Learning from my mistakes, I found a balance of the best of both strategies and started doing a quick, creative session of 20 minutes or shorter before every filming session.”

Crayron explains that his written pieces are more of a guideline to navigate the filming stage and not leave out important elements and that having a script takes from the originality and flow of the content.

What skits are your favorite to make?


Im spamming avada kedavra idc 😭 #harrypotter

♬ original sound – crayron

“Easily the Harry Potter one and the first one has to be my all-time favorite so far,” he says, laughing. 

“I remember editing my first Harry Potter video, and I was in tears laughing over and over again, and that almost never happens.”

Unlike many of his other skits, the Harry Potter videos that received over 7 million views on TikTok allowed Ronnie more imaginative freedom over what a worst-case scenario would be.

Do You Ever Run Out Of Skit Ideas?

“Absolutely, I believe that all creative people hit that wall at some point.”

“In my early days of creating skits of creating content, I was against making a second version of well-performing videos, but I have a friend who convinced me otherwise, and ever since, I’d either think of another worst-case plot for a well-performing video or seek inspiration cinematic experiences.”

He also explains that it is a state-of-mind matter, and to find new ideas, a creator must set the right fostering environment, whether it be taking a break from creating videos, watching TV with the objective of generating ideas or meeting up with other creatives to feed off their insights, you must set the proper conditions to excel. 

Comedian Vs Comedy Skit Creator: What’s The Difference?


25 sound old asf idk why 😭

♬ original sound – crayron

“I would not call myself a comedian, and I learned something that Kevin Hart said that I can refer to:”

 “If you don’t do stand-up, you’re not a comedian.” 

“The different elements that go into content creation, along with the joke, are what distinguish us from comedians,“ he explains. 

“Although these many elements of editing and creation make our job harder, they are also other means of deliverance and an element that Comedians can’t leverage to their benefit.”

The Different Elements that Go into a Viral Video

“It’s all about the pace, and I learned this the hard way,” Ronnie explains.

He gives us an example of an old video that he believed was one of the best he created but wasn’t received well by viewers. Everyone around him thought the idea was funny and engaging, but it simply did not perform well, motivating him to compare it to videos of other creators. 

 “As soon as I changed the opening of that video, it went from 30,000 views to 300,000, and ever since, my first priority has been creating flawless edits.”

What Is The Highest Of Highs You Wish To Accomplish With Content Creation?

“I want to positively impact people in real life, reaching the level of wealth and influence where I can use it to improve the lives of others around me.”

“Coming up as a creator, I had minimal access to tools and resources to create my videos, so helping young talents in the same situation is as far as it goes. A full circle!”

Crayron believes that by tirelessly working towards the long-term goal of positively impacting upcoming creators, growth and advancement will naturally follow as driving forces toward the final destination.

What Tips Do You Have For Skit Creators On Social Media?

Be Confident That You’re Funny

“If just one person laughed at one joke you’ve ever put out, you have what it takes. It may not be widely comprehended, but you can polish it, add to it, and make it funnier.”

“I’m not even telling you to please your audience, but work on pleasing yourself and staying true to the idea, adding to it, building upon it, and making it shine so it’s unignorable.”

Remember Who You Are And Why You Started

“It’s an art that you started for your reasons, so do not let other people’s responses change your direction, whether a viral response or what may be considered a flopped video.”

He adds,” Don’t worry about where the spotlight is at the moment. It’ll find its way when you’re fully invested and doing things out of a place of belief, not just for temporary clout.”

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Content writer / Marketing Professional Interviewing talents from all over the world bringing you the best of strategies and stories.

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