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How to Create a Fun and Engaging Vlogging Series


How to Create a Fun and Engaging Vlogging Series

Have you recently taken up vlogging?
Perhaps you are setting out on your vlogging journey, and you want to make sure you put your best foot forward by creating a fun, engaging vlogging series.
Or maybe you are a seasoned vlogging professional, but you have hit a creative wall, and you need inspiration on how to create great vlog content.
Whatever the case may be, we’ve got you covered. We’ve compiled all the information you need to come up with your next vlogging masterpiece and create content your audience will love to see.

When done properly, vlogging can be incredibly fun for your audience, and also fun for you to undertake.

Have you recently taken up vlogging? 

Perhaps you are setting out on your vlogging journey, and you want to make sure you put your best foot forward by creating a fun, engaging vlogging series.

How to Create a Fun and Engaging Vlogging Series

How to Create a Fun and Engaging Vlogging Series

Or maybe you are a seasoned vlogging professional, but you have hit a creative wall, and you need inspiration on how to create great vlog content.

Whatever the case may be, we’ve got you covered. We’ve compiled all the information you need to come up with your next vlogging masterpiece and create content your audience will love to see.

What is a Vlog?

How to Create a Fun and Engaging Vlogging Series

Vlogging has had a rapid rise in popularity over recent years, thanks to the rise in technology and social media platforms.

Firstly, let’s quickly address the term vlog. Most of you will already know the meaning of the phrase, but for those that are new to the term, a vlog is a slang word used, combining the word “video” and “blog.”

A vlog consists of the same content you would expect to see written in a blog but in video form. Vlogs have become extremely popular over the last decade, mostly due to the rise in digital content consumption, through platforms like YouTube and, more recently, TikTok.

People love to hear about what their favorite online celebrities have been getting into, gather a deeper insight into their day-to-day life, and generally stay up to date with what they are currently working on.

While some content creators dedicate all of their efforts to their vlog content, others mix it in between other projects.

Why You Should Invest in Vlogging

How to Create a Fun and Engaging Vlogging Series

Vlogging is an excellent way to interact with your audience and allow them to see another side to you as a content producer.

If you haven’t already started vlogging, then you could be missing out on a significant opportunity!

If you already have a following on social media or YouTube, vlogging is a fantastic way to engage with your most loyal fans and give them an insight into the person behind the camera.

One of the easiest ways to build loyalty for your platform is to offer your fans an insight into your life through vlogs.

Vlogging makes viewers feel like they know you better, and in turn, they are more invested in your future content, collaborations, or projects.

If you are still growing your audience, vlogging is still an essential form of content for you to consider.

Vlogging regularly will help you establish a core fan base, which you can nurture and grow into a large following. It also allows new followers to go back to your older videos and compare how much your online persona has changed, which will also make them feel closer to you and your brand.

How to Make a Fun and Engaging Vlog in 5 Easy Steps

Creating a fun and engaging vlog series is quick and easy if you follow these steps.

Now you have a better understanding of why you should be vlogging more frequently, let’s look at the steps you can take to ensure your vlogs are fun and entertaining.

Plan ahead

Firstly, you should always do your due diligence and plan ahead before creating a vlog. It might seem tempting to spontaneously film a “day in the life” vlog, but if you have nothing fun or exciting to share with your audience, that video can quickly make you seem dull or uninteresting.

Instead, make a note in your calendar of an upcoming date when you know you will be doing plenty of fun and engaging activities, and plan to create your vlog for that date. 

If the activities you undertake happen to be frequent, you can continue to vlog on these days to build it into a full vlog series. This type of content could include vlogs where you start a new skill, volunteer somewhere local, or anything else that your audience will find interesting.

How to Create a Fun and Engaging Vlogging Series

Prepare your equipment

Once you have established a date on the calendar that you plan to make your vlog, the next step you must take is to prepare your equipment. Try to think about every potential outcome and pack equipment accordingly.

Will your vlog take place outside? If so, you should consider what equipment you need to keep you and your camera dry.

Will your vlog take most of the day? If so, you might want to pack an additional battery or SIM card so you don’t get caught out halfway through your recording.

Once you have factored in every possible eventuality, you will find it much easier to pack the necessary equipment and focus all your attention on your vlog on the day.

Thoughtful recording

Now you have prepared your day and ensured you have all the equipment you need, and it’s time to record on the big day.

Don’t fall into the trap of recording anything and everything or recording from the same angle all day. Instead, try to think about the eye of the viewer. What would they want to see? What angle best represents what you are doing? 

These questions will help you craft your content to perfectly suit your audience and get the best possible results.

Edit your content

While editing can certainly feel tiring and long from time to time, it is an essential step that takes a vlog from good to great!

Cut out content where possible if it is not adding to the “fun and engaging” style you are going for. Before you know it, you will have a great vlog that moves perfectly from scene to scene.

Share it with your friends and your audience

Finally, share all of your hard work! If you feel you have truly made a fun and engaging vlog series, then don’t be afraid to put it out into the world.

You never know. It might just attract a whole new audience to your content and increase your following even further.

Ultimately, vlogging should be seen as a hobby and an opportunity to express yourself. Don’t worry too much about the analytics behind your video. If it was fun and engaging for you to do, that should be priority number one.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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