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How This Dutch Fashion Brand Used AI To Cut Video Production Costs By 30X


How This Dutch Fashion Brand Used AI To Cut Video Production Costs By 30X

Amsterdam-based fashion company Daily Paper reports significant cost savings and increased engagement after implementing AI in its marketing strategy. 

The brand, known for its focus on diverse cultures and identities, partnered with AI solutions firm Alpha Wave to create personalized video content at scale.

Daily Paper co-owner and CEO Rodney Lam revealed that the company initially hesitated to adopt AI, fearing it might undermine its commitment to featuring diverse talent. After nine months of internal discussions, the team decided to use AI for repetitive tasks while preserving human creativity in core operations.

“We realized that AI didn’t need to replace our creative vision but instead free us up to focus on it even more,” Lam wrote in a blog post.

The collaboration with Alpha Wave involved using AI to generate videos from existing product images and photographs of Daily Paper’s models. 

Alpha Wave CCO David Neri explained in the post that they employed AutoML Vision to analyze patterns, textures, and colors in Daily Paper’s collections, creating a foundation for AI-generated content.

Daily Paper combined these AI-created assets with YouTube’s Smart Bidding and Video AI tools, which allowed real-time content adjustment based on viewer engagement and location-specific targeting.

Lam reported several key outcomes from a recent two-week campaign:

  • Nearly 1 million impressions
  • Over 100,000 views
  • 30 times lower production costs compared to previous video campaigns
  • 40% increase in clicks across digital channels, including Search and Shopping

Lam attributed the campaign’s success to its holistic impact, noting that users exposed to YouTube ads were likelier to engage with search and shopping campaigns, ultimately driving purchases.

The AI implementation also affected Daily Paper’s internal operations. According to Lam, team members found that automating repetitive tasks allowed them to focus more on creative ideation and execution.

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Dragomir is a Serbian freelance blog writer and translator. He is passionate about covering insightful stories and exploring topics such as influencer marketing, the creator economy, technology, business, and cyber fraud.

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