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Fiverr For Content Creators How To Get More Views And Engagement


Fiverr For Content Creators: How To Get More Views And Engagement

Fiverr is one of the dominant freelance platforms, with a market cap of over 1.4 billion dollars in 2023. 

Just like any other platform, Fiverr relies on reviews and overall performance. If previous clients are satisfied with your services and leave you a good rating, you will likely get clients searching for the same service. 

In addition to getting recognition from previous gigs, you can get recognized on Fiverr by recommendations and referrals along with delf promotion and selling your services. 

The best way to maximize your revenue on Fiverr is to create an optimized profile and portfolio tailored to mass demand. 

Your profile is the first thing a client will encounter when searching for qualified candidates; therefore, it must accurately represent your offerings.

Content Creator tips for creating an optimized Fiverr profile: 

Professional Profile photo 

Your profile picture is the first impression you give off as a freelancer. You want your profile picture to match your brand to help you sell yourself and the service you offer. 

Friendly photos are a bonus and pair well with positive reviews, giving buyers another reason to collaborate with you. 

Branded portfolio 

Branded work reflects the level of professionalism you offer, especially if you’re a marketer. Just as people prefer to buy branded products at any superstore, service buyers are more likely to work with you if your brand is established and reflects the proper values. 

Supporting statistics 

Your efforts are just random claims if you need to back them with solid stats or analytics. Whether it be a graph or a before and after your work, you must elaborate on your offerings to gain buyers’ trust. 

Activity and presence 

Fiverr follows a specific algorithm in recommending freelancers to buyers, and those with the most activity tend to get more business. 

A potential buyer can see if you’re online or not, which is yet another reason to stay active, even if that means keeping your tabs open overnight. 

Aside from tailoring your profile to get more clients, there are the best ways to maximize your exposure on Fiverr: 

Do not be  “ A Jack of all trades.” 

Exceptional high-performing marketers are pretty much a one-man team, mastering everything from graphic design to video editing scripting and search engine writing. 

However, buyers tend to get discouraged by profiles catering to more than three niches, as they do not know that marketers are required to master a broad range of various skills to excel.

Sell what you are best at, then convince buyers, once they’re satisfied, that you can add more value by offering add-ons to your service. 

How to get more views and engagement on Fiverr?

Social media promotion 

Social media promotion is a great way to extend your freelance reach and find more clients for what you offer. There are many social media platforms for you to promote your services, but the best are short-form content platforms. 

Thanks to favorable algorithms, a short-form video is a quick way to communicate who you are and what you do to a niche targeted demographic. 

Platforms like Youtube and Tiktok are the perfect place to start due to their reach and the level of control you have over your content. 

Direct mail and cold call prospecting 

Direct mail and cold calling are the best ways to find new clients and is the key strategy for many freelancers’ success.

Every client will go through three stages before purchasing, and they are; Awareness, consideration, and decision-making. 

By cold calling and targeting unaware prospects, you are carving a path of opportunity for yourself and opening new doors using pain-point-selling and FOMO strategies. 

Create a relevant target market similar to those who may have previously purchased from you and call or e-mail them to explain the value you can add. 

Once converted, you can then sell to them via Fiverr or use their projects as a reference point for your content creation services on Fiverr. 

Creating strategically priced packages

Fiverr is a highly competitive market with many freelancers offering the same service at different prices. Your price packages reflect what you can provide; they do not have to be cheap to attract more buyers but must include a competitive advantage. 

Competitive advantages can be anything from unlimited reviews, an extra free service, or an all-in-one buddle many call “The Works.”

Study the market to understand what competitors are offering, then differentiate yourself accordingly. Creating too many different packages is confusing for most buyers, and we do not recommend it. Instead, we make a limited number of high-value offerings, each more persuasive than the other. 

Buying online website banners 

Buying advertising spaces is a form of outbound marketing that is only successful when targeted to the right audience. Filter the gigs on Fiverr by popular demand and find out what websites similar buyers surf.

The average conversion rate is 2% to 3% in successful campaigns; try to be as relevant as possible on where to post your ads. Blogs and informative, educational websites are your best shot at gaining more clients, but there is one more aspect to your success. 

Your banner design must be highly captivating to draw attention in an oversaturated market. Use bright colors, and do not hesitate to include a bit of controversy in your advertising. 

The critical component of a successful campaign is triggering emotions; if you can do so with your banner, you are bound to succeed. Fiverr freelancers can help you with this task and save you all time and effort. 

Promote your services via Linked-in. 

LinkedIn is the best platform to reach professionals you can sell to, especially in business and marketing. 

Salespeople, marketing professionals, and many more are highly active on linked-in and use it as their primary outreach method. Therefore, it is necessary to utilize Linkedin for enhanced exposure. 

Building a reputation on Linkedin is as essential as making your profile on Fiverr and other freelancing apps. 

Connect with authoritative figures within your industry, build connections, and display some of your previous work to help build trust and authority. 


Fiver for content creators is like any other gig on Fiverr, except with much higher demand. Considering all the previous recommendations is essential to excel on Fiverr and find more clients. 

Successful concentrators on Fiverr generally go through two main stages, the first is getting recognized and building authority, and the second is the take-off stage. 

The take-off stage consists of automatic recommendations by the platform due to positive reviews and consistency and is your reward for being loyal and persistent. 

Ultimately Fiverr is a long-run game to play and is most profitable once you build your reputation with reviews and recurring clients. If you are new to Fiverr, prioritize getting more gigs rather than making a profit, as it is the after-prize. 

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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