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GoFluence Unveils First Malaysian Influencer Marketing Platform


GoFluence Unveils First Malaysian Influencer Marketing Platform

GoFluence launched Malaysia’s inaugural influencer marketing platform at the Malaysia Modest Fashion Showcase during MIHAS 2024 (Sep. 17-20). 

MalayMail reports that the platform, which debuted with over 45,000 influencers and 4,000 brands registered, aims to transform the country’s influencer marketing.

“GoFluence is here to support the growth of Malaysia’s digital economy, positioning our influencers and brands on the world stage,” GoFluence CEO Same Tham said in a statement. 

The company has partnered with the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) to advance the nation’s digital economy initiatives.

The themed “Global Influence, Defining Style” launch event showcased the intersection of modest fashion and influencer marketing. Local and international designers featured their work, including collections by GoFluence influencer representatives Dr. Wawi, Iyla Fadzila, and Nivethaa.

“We are opening doors for designers to gain global exposure through influencer marketing, allowing them to reach broader audiences and showcase the beauty of modest fashion worldwide,” stated MODA (Malaysian Official Designers’ Association) President Jay Ishak.

GoFluence’s reach extends beyond Malaysia, with a presence in Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, and the United States. This expansion aligns with recent trends in Southeast Asian influencer marketing, as reported by R3’s study on authenticity and transparency in the region.

The R3 report indicates a shift in consumer preferences, with Southeast Asian audiences increasingly seeking genuine connections. This trend leads to influencer marketing campaigns prioritizing transparency and embracing “de-influencing” strategies.

“Southeast Asia’s influencer marketplace is diverse yet niche, large yet siloed, engaged yet fleeting,” said Shufen Goh, co-founder and principal at R3, in the report. “Understanding influencer marketing by country is key to optimizing return on investment.”

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Dragomir is a Serbian freelance blog writer and translator. He is passionate about covering insightful stories and exploring topics such as influencer marketing, the creator economy, technology, business, and cyber fraud.

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