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Adam Brotman And Andy Sack Co-Creators Of Hive3 Share Their Vision


Adam Brotman And Andy Sack: Co-Creators Of Hive3 Share Their Vision

Join the conversation with digital innovators Adam Brotman and Andy Sack, co-creators of Hive3, as they discuss the integration of AI into the creator economy. Delve into their expertise on responsible AI usage, brand engagement, and fostering community through technology. Explore their vision for the future of creativity and engagement in an AI-driven world through this interview.

Join the conversation with digital innovators Adam Brotman and Andy Sack, co-creators of Hive3, as they discuss the integration of AI into the creator economy. Delve into their expertise on responsible AI usage, brand engagement, and fostering community through technology. Explore their vision for the future of creativity and engagement in an AI-driven world through this interview.

Exploring Forum3 and Hive3

Andy Sack, the co-CEO of Forum3, recounted his extensive tech experience spanning over 25 years, including his roles as an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and consultant at Microsoft.

Adam Brotman, co-founder and co-CEO of Forum3, shared his 25-year journey in digital media, highlighted by leadership positions at Starbucks and J.Crew. 

Their collaboration stemmed from a desire to merge technology, brands, and customer engagement, forged by their work with transformative projects like Starbucks Odyssey, the brand’s next-generation loyalty platform. “We recognized the potential of AI and Web3 technologies, seeing a trend of AI-powered co-creation,” explains Andy. Adam elaborates, “We wanted to celebrate this new type of creator harnessing AI’s potential.”

Thus, Hive3 was born—an innovative league centered on AI-driven creativity. “We provide a space where AI-savvy creators can showcase skills, compete, and share knowledge,” says Adam. The duo sees parallels between these creators and gamers/engineers, stressing the importance of AI expertise. Hive3 fosters community, competitions, and education about these talents.

Forum3’s approach involves guiding brands through technological shifts like AI and Web3. They believe these themes resonate with younger consumers and focus on responsible innovation. Andy and Adam emphasize this, drawing from the Starbucks’ Odyssey project. “Balancing possibilities and challenges, addressing concerns like intellectual property, is crucial,” they assert. Through Hive3, the company aims to promote curiosity, knowledge sharing, and responsible technology adoption, ushering in a new era of creativity and engagement.

AI creators are changing how brands connect with customers. Could you elaborate on specific examples of how AI is enhancing customer engagement and community-building for brands?

According to Andy, “Well, there’s not a tremendous number of examples today, which is why we’re so excited for Hive3. I think that appropriately a lot of brands are cautious about seeing how this plays out and understanding what is appropriate.” He emphasized the current cautious approach due to the novelty of AI integration.

Adam highlighted existing AI applications in efficiency and communication, such as AI-powered chatbots for customer support and help desks. He cited the example of Coca-Cola’s Create Magic Campaign, in collaboration with OpenAI and their agency, allowing designers to use AI to create content using the Coca-Cola logo. 

However, he acknowledged that such examples remain limited due to the early stage of AI integration in branding. “There’s been others like that, but it’s still such a new area right now,” Adam remarked, highlighting the nascent nature of AI’s impact on customer engagement and brand-building.

In the era of AI-driven experiences, how do you envision brands harnessing technology to create deeper connections with early adopters and community members?

In the realm of AI-driven experiences, both Adam and Andy envision brands leveraging technology to forge deeper connections with early adopters and community members. Andy emphasized the rapid pace of AI’s evolution, comparing it to a bullet train that has already set forth. He advised brands to start small, adopting an experimental approach and gradually engaging with AI to understand its impact both on their operations and customer interactions. This sentiment was echoed by Adam, who drew parallels between the early days of web development and the current AI landscape. He stressed the importance of embracing AI’s transformative potential.

Adam further highlighted a noteworthy organic trend: the emergence of fan art powered by AI. He noted how consumers and fans are using AI to express their passion for brands, signaling a unique avenue for customer co-creation. He explained that AI empowers fans to become creators in ways previously unattainable, potentially leading to a surge in community-driven content. 

Nevertheless, both interviewees acknowledged the nascent stage of this phenomenon and its gradual evolution, underlining their desire to explore this trend further through Hive3.

Responsible AI usage is crucial. How do you guide brands and creators to strike a balance between pushing creative boundaries with AI and ensuring ethical, responsible deployment?

Navigating the balance between pushing AI-driven creative boundaries and ensuring ethical deployment presents a complex challenge. According to Andy and Adam, the absence of clear regulatory guidelines requires brands to take a values-driven approach. Andy noted, “We’re committed to standing on the right side of creators and brands.” They emphasized the importance of being mindful of AI’s implications and making ethical choices.

Adam agreed, adding, “Our goal is to aid brands and creators in this evolving landscape.” They encourage respectful behavior, consider rights, and discourage unethical practices. Both emphasized a learning journey, striving to help creators and brands navigate AI’s evolving terrain responsibly.

Hive3 and the Future

Hive3’s upcoming launch is exciting. Could you offer a sneak peek into what listeners can expect from Hive3 this Fall? What outcomes do you anticipate for participants and the broader AI community?

Regarding Hive3’s upcoming launch, Adam described the exciting elements, stating, “Participants will use AI to create submissions against a variety of challenge types.” He explained that the competition will involve brands and entertaining challenges, creating content resembling a mix of cooking competition shows and eSports. There will be cash prizes, explanations from judges, and demonstrations of competitors’ workflows.

Andy added that Hive3 will have its platform for competitions named Hive3 AI. The launch will include a preseason or beta period to test and refine the competition before the formal launch of season one. 

The name Hive3 has origins in their history, as Andy and Adam met in Forum Three of an entrepreneur’s organization. The number three signifies community and exponential growth, while the name Hive3 emerged naturally.

With Hive3 promoting competitive AI innovation, what role do you envision it playing in driving advancements and pushing the boundaries of AI technology?

Andy emphasized that every aspect of a business will be impacted by AI, including administrative tasks, marketing, sales, operations, and customer support. Small businesses can benefit by partnering with AI companies to operate more efficiently and effectively. 

Adam added that AI is already capable of helping brands of any size with tasks ranging from mundane to creative strategies. He suggested that companies should be in a test-and-learn phase, exploring how AI can serve as a co-pilot or collaborator in various capacities, including strategic planning and analysis. 

Smaller companies might even be better positioned to harness AI’s potential due to their agility and ability to take action without bureaucratic hurdles. Both Andy and Adam agreed that experimenting with AI as a collaborator and resource is essential for businesses.

Current State and Future of the Creator Economy:

From your vantage point, how do you assess the current state of the creator economy? What trends and developments stand out to you?

From Adam and Andy’s perspectives, the current state of the creator economy is vibrant and dynamic. They observed a proliferation of tools and avenues for content creation, resulting in compelling and innovative works. The integration of digital mediums, driven by both AI and technological advancement, has expanded the reach of creators. 

They acknowledge that while it’s an exciting time with accelerated access to audiences and opportunities, these same factors can pose challenges, making it harder to stand out. As Adam noted, “It’s a double-edged sword.” Their mission centers on helping creators and brands navigate these complexities while embracing the opportunities that arise.

Given your expertise, where do you see gaps or opportunities for growth within the creator economy that could benefit from innovative technological solutions?

When addressing the matter, both Andy and Adam find the scope of the question about growth opportunities within the creator economy quite broad and complex. They emphasize the rapid technological advancements, such as those in AI. 

A year ago, they had a strong focus on Web3 and the potential it offered for direct connections between creators and their audience. The rise of NFTs and the ongoing development of royalties have sustained their interest. 

Despite challenges posed by the complexities of decentralization versus centralization, they see widespread potential for innovative solutions across various aspects. Andy added, “Where are there gaps and opportunities? They’re everywhere.” They recognize the need to strike a balance between technological empowerment and traditional gatekeeping. 

Their perspective has also shifted to center on empowering creators while fostering brand connections. They were particularly intrigued by how new technologies empowered consumers to transition into creators, motivating them to amplify creators’ voices and explore collaborative possibilities with brands.

In conclusion, as thought leaders in AI and the creator economy, what overarching principles do you believe should guide the responsible integration of AI into creative processes?

Andy and Adam recognized the complexities surrounding the integration of AI into creative processes. The current regulatory environment remains uncertain, and the rapid advancement of AI technology brings forth significant ethical considerations. They emphasize the need to act in a responsible manner, placing the interests of creators above those of brands. The intricate landscape of intellectual property rights and ownership further adds to the challenge. Despite the ambiguity, they stress the importance of ethical decision-making in daily professional activities. 

While specific principles are yet to be formulated due to the evolving nature of the field, they express their commitment to establishing a set of guiding principles for AI integration in brand-related endeavors. Their overarching goal is to responsibly foster exponential creativity among emerging creators and brands, putting responsibility at the forefront of their approach.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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