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How to Get Sponsored on Twitch - A Guide for Gamers


How To Get Sponsored On Twitch – A Guide For Gamers

Are you interested in trying to get a sponsorship for your Twitch stream?

Perhaps you have started to see your follower count grow, and you are trying to establish whether or not you are close to gaining sponsorship for your content to invest more time into Twitch.

How To Get Sponsored On Twitch - A Guide For Gamers

Or maybe you are just starting out, and you are trying to establish what criteria you need to hit to give yourself the best chance of getting a sponsorship deal in the future.

This article will outline how to get sponsored on Twitch as a gamer and what other aspects you need to be aware of along the way.

Are you interested in trying to get a sponsorship for your Twitch stream?

Perhaps you have started to see your follower count grow, and you are trying to establish whether or not you are close to gaining sponsorship for your content to invest more time into Twitch.

Or maybe you are just starting out, and you are trying to establish what criteria you need to hit to give yourself the best chance of getting a sponsorship deal in the future.

Whatever the case, getting sponsorship on Twitch can be a game-changer for many streamers. It offers you a chance to invest money back into your hobby, buy better equipment, or create more extravagant content.

In some cases, sponsorships can help streamers turn their hobby into their dream job.

This article will outline how to get sponsored on Twitch as a gamer and what other aspects you need to be aware of along the way.

Twitch Sponsorship Explained

How To Get Sponsored On Twitch - A Guide For Gamers

Firstly, let’s establish what a Twitch sponsorship is. Twitch is a platform gamers use to live-stream their content to viewers.

With enough viewers, some companies will see your Twitch stream as an opportunity to promote their product and service and will offer you a sponsorship deal, where you are asked to do one or several things in return for payment.

Some of the requirements sponsors tend to ask for include the following:

  1. Include affiliate links.
  2. Talk about products on the screen.
  3. Add specific promotional banners to your stream.
  4. Include a company logo on your stream.
  5. Offer product discounts and giveaways to your audience.

How to Get Sponsored

How To Get Sponsored On Twitch - A Guide For Gamers

One common misconception is that you must have a large following to gain a Twitch sponsorship. In fact, many streamers get their first sponsorship with a relatively small viewer count but one that is showing growth. 

Some sponsors cannot afford to pay the rates to sponsor top streamers. Instead, they sponsor a smaller streamer in the hope that they will blow up in the near future.

Improve your stream and create quality content

One excellent way to establish a strong following is to strive to create the best possible content. Creating excellent content takes time and effort, but in the long run, it will put you in a much better place to achieve sponsorships.

Not only that, but it will also help you gain new subscribers and increase your chances of sponsors noticing your brand.

Play popular games

Another way to get sponsorship interest from companies is to play popular games. While you might enjoy playing obscure games, until you have a built-in following, you will struggle to attract many viewers. 

Instead, have a look at what other content creators are streaming and seeing success with, and try your hand at those games.

Build a community

One of the main benefits of streaming on Twitch, compared to creating content for platforms like YouTube, is that you have the opportunity to interact with your audience in real time.

This will increase engagement with your viewers and incentivize them to keep coming back for each of your streams, helping you improve your viewer count.

Build an excellent user experience

When a brand considers working with a streamer, they want to ensure they are the real deal. That means you need to ensure all of your profile information is up to date and your on-screen graphics look high-quality and professional.

Gather positive comments and feedback

Positive reviews and feedback offer the best marketing opportunity for your stream. Showing brands how popular you are with your audience will add plenty of weight to your sponsorship proposal, as brands will see you are genuinely popular, and your audience will listen to your advice and opinion on things.

Only Work With Sponsors That Benefit Your Audience

How To Get Sponsored On Twitch - A Guide For Gamers

When you do receive an offer from a sponsor, don’t accept it straight away. For any sponsorship to work in the long run, it needs to suit you and your audience.

If a brand is not trustworthy, or you do not believe in the product or service on offer, you should not work with that brand.

It can be very tempting to take the money and promote a product you know is no good, but your audience will see right through you, and it can have a significantly negative impact on your brand in the future.

You will lose your authenticity with your audience, and your community could suffer as a result.

How to Pitch to a Sponsor

How To Get Sponsored On Twitch - A Guide For Gamers

When you have identified potential businesses that you feel would benefit from sponsoring your Twitch stream, don’t be afraid to pitch your brand to them!

If a sponsor has a good grasp on Twitch marketing and has sponsored similar channels in the past, they might be interested in what you have to say.

Use your pitch as a chance to create a rapport with them, and promote why you feel your channel should get sponsored by them.

Here are some things to include in your pitch to sponsors:

  1. Highlight you are searching for a sponsorship for your Twitch channel early on in the message so that the reader knows the meaning of your introduction.
  2. Show off your knowledge of the product or service they promote to highlight how much research you have done about the brand.
  3. Try to identify how your brand’s principles and values line up with the marketing objective of their company and why you would be a great fit for each other.
  4. Provide the potential sponsor with some information about your audience’s age and demographic, as this will help them establish whether you will be the right fit for their brand.
  5. Share information on the growth and trajectory of your Twitch channel, including subscriber count, engagement, and monthly viewer count. This will show sponsors your rise and where your brand could go in the near future.

Have a Unique Selling Point (CSP)

Twitch is a highly competitive platform with millions of streamers, so having a distinct USP can help you stand out and attract potential sponsors’ attention. Provide a distinct content style, concentrate on a specific game or niche, and incorporate interactive elements that engage your audience in novel and creative ways. This will attract and keep a loyal audience while also establishing your reputation as a dependable and engaging streamer. 

One significant advantage of being sponsored is that it can provide a consistent source of income, allowing you to devote more time and resources to your streaming career. Sponsors may provide financial assistance, access to exclusive content or events, or other benefits that can assist you in growing your channel and building your brand.

Sunny Kumar, Founder and Marketing Specialist, TheWPX

Target a Specific Audience to Stand Out

One extremely common, but nevertheless helpful, tip for getting sponsored on Twitch is to create content designed toward a targeted audience. Finding a niche that speaks to your viewers can help differentiate you from the millions of other streamers out there and increase your chances of finding sponsors. 

When you attract sponsors, this will benefit both them and you directly. You will be rewarded with increased exposure, monetization through channel subscriptions, ad revenue opportunities, free or discounted products and services from your partners, and additional resources related to streaming‌. With these benefits in hand, everyday streams become a more rewarding experience and a great opportunity for growth!

Michael Alexis, CEO, Tiny Campfire

Sponsorship on Twitch: Final Thoughts

How To Get Sponsored On Twitch - A Guide For Gamers

While it certainly helps to have a large following on Twitch when trying to get a sponsorship, you can also achieve plenty of success by creating the right content with a smaller audience.

Remember, only work with brands that will benefit your audience as well as you.

If your audience feels like you are selling out or working with conspicuous brands, you will quickly lose your authenticity and possibly your following.

Continue consistently creating excellent content, and your sponsorship opportunities are sure to come in the near future.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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