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How Jacob Balshin Uses Comedy to Highlight Toronto’s Hidden Gems

Through heartfelt reviews and spontaneous recommendations, Toronto-based comedian Jacob Balshin has built a devoted following that gives him unique insights into the national comedy scene.

His story is as intriguing as it is inspiring, Jacob Balshin has won the support of prominent figures in the local comedy scene and is on his way to new creative heights. 

In this interview, we dive into Jacob’s creative motivations as a comedian and local business promoter, and what his home city of Toronto and its business scene mean to him personally.

Who is The Jacob We Don’t Know?

Jacob is committed to making his creative endeavors both profitable and socially impactful.

When asked about his off-camera persona, Jacob responded, “I’m just a guy experiencing a weird journey of wanting to make it big with comedy while helping small businesses be seen.” 

Alarmed by the thought that comedy is the only thing that sets him apart, Jacob told us in the exclusive, “I’m pursuing a career in comedy because that’s all I’m good at doing. I was always the guy who could make people around him laugh.”

Why Comedy and Local Reviews?

Jacob explains that his comedic talent grew naturally with him throughout his academic years. 

“I’ve always been funny, even as a kid,” he says. “But then I got reclusive in high school.” 

It wasn’t until university that Jacob tried comedy again, and “somehow, it stuck.” 

His natural ability to make people laugh became a cornerstone of his identity, and he embraced it fully.

While comedy is more of a calling than an interest for Jacob, reviewing small businesses was something he discovered spontaneously through experimenting with different formats. 

“I made a few videos for fun, and they received lots of attention, so I decided to double down on review videos as a standard format,” he revealed. “Today, it has become my main source of income and a driving force toward more professional recognition.” he shared.

Toronto — ‘More Than Just a City’

For Jacob, Toronto is more than just a city; it’s a place filled with personal history and cherished memories. 

“Even though I grew up minutes outside of the city, I spent my best years downtown,” he says. “I had my first girlfriend and apartment here, it means the world.” 

This deep-rooted connection fuels his passion for supporting local businesses. 

“These businesses are the heartbeat of our communities,” Jacob explains. “They represent the spirit and diversity of Toronto, offering unique experiences and products that you can’t find anywhere else.” 

“When I help a small business get noticed, it feels like I’m contributing and giving back,” he adds.

Styled In Everyday Life Observation 

Jacob’s comedic style is rooted in his observations of everyday life and the inspiration of other local comics. 

“I find humor in the mundane,” he told us. “It’s the little things that people often overlook that I find the funniest.” 

As for promotional videos and unveiling local gems, Jacob gets his inspiration from his fanbase in the form of recommendations and requests. 

“Aside from my favorite places to dine and visit in Toronto, I get a lot of requests from fans asking me to visit a place or help a struggling business be seen,” he tells us. “Sometimes they’re not even located in Toronto.”

Experiencing Audience Connection

Jacob draws inspiration from figures like Che Durena and Andrew Packer, both of whom have made significant strides in the comedy world. 

“Touring with them showed me how much work goes into this career and how deeply you have to care,” he shares. 

He observed firsthand the dedication and relentless effort required to succeed in comedy, learning important lessons about persistence, creativity, and the importance of connecting with an audience.

These experiences sharpened his comedic skills and reinforced his commitment to his craft, inspiring him to push boundaries, by seeing creators from similar backgrounds achieve national recognition. 

The Need of Content Creation for Comedians

In addition to the creative inspiration, his proximity to famous comedians in the Canadian comedy scene also opened his eyes to the limitations and competitiveness of the Canadian comedy scene. 

He tells us, “There’s very little you can do as a comedian in Canada, so social media is essential in monetization.” 

Jacob reveals that shows and gigs are not enough exposure or profit, making a strong social media presence essential. 

Short vs Long-term Goals

Jacob currently hosts his show at Comedy Bar, called Hidden Gems. “This month’s show on August 9th is already half sold out,” he states. 

Looking ahead, Jacob hopes to land a writing job in a real writers’ room explaining that he’s not yet considered how far he can take his creative pursuits, with the ideal career goal of landing a writing role in a “Real writer’s room” for world-class films and shows. 

“That would be a big goal for me,” he says. 

The Business Side of Comedy

Jacob admits that he has no involvement in managing or monetizing his services aside from providing a promotional video. His sister who is also an athlete talent manager, is in charge of facilitating, scheduling, and overseeing all brand deals, interviews, and collaborations. 

He says, “Having her manage things is lovely because I trust her completely. This is what she does for a living, so having someone who has experience work so closely with me is definitely a luxury that not every comedian enjoys.”

Working with a manager has opened more opportunities for Jacob. 

“It’s different for everyone, but for me, it’s crucial because I’m not good at business,” Jacob notes. “I focus on being funny and leave the rest to her.” 

Advice for Aspiring Creators

Jacob’s advice is straightforward: “Don’t focus too hard on numbers. Find your voice and improve your content. It’s about the quality of what you’re doing, not instant success. Whatever type of creative endeavor you’re chasing, keep doing it, and you’ll get good at it.” 

“Be yourself,” he says. “People can tell when you’re genuine, and that’s what they connect with.” He also advises creators to focus on improving their skills. “Work on your craft. Whether it’s filming, editing, or performing, always strive to get better.”

Cecilia Carloni, Interview Manager at Influence Weekly and writer for NetInfluencer. Coming from beautiful Argentina, Ceci has spent years chatting with big names in the influencer world, making friends and learning insider info along the way. When she’s not deep in interviews or writing, she's enjoying life with her two daughters. Ceci’s stories give a peek behind the curtain of influencer life, sharing the real and interesting tales from her many conversations with movers and shakers in the space.

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