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Karys Elise Wright: The 20-Year-Old TikToker Turning Viral Trends Into Global Brand Deals

Karys Elise Wright: The 20-Year-Old TikToker Turning Viral Trends Into Global Brand Deals

From filming “embarrassing” videos in her Cumbrian village to collaborating with global brands, Karys Elise Wright’s journey, which was filled with obstacles — from online negativity to creative burnout — provides a blueprint for resilience in the volatile industry.

As brands increasingly turn to influencers for marketing strategies, the 20-year-old has prospered from high-profile collaborations and a partnership with Sintillate Talent.

In an exclusive interview with Net Influencer, Karys dives into strategic partnerships, platform-specific content strategies, and her steadfast commitment to authenticity.

Finding Purpose Through Pixels

Karys’s journey began during her media studies at college when she launched a YouTube channel. 

“Looking back at some of those videos now, it was clear I had no idea what I was doing,” she recalls. However, her content creation took a significant turn during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

As TikTok gained popularity, Karys found herself participating in viral trends

“I made videos doing the trends. The one that springs to mind is the ‘bored in the house and I’m in the house bored’ sound. I even involved my family in some of the videos,” she tells us.

Despite facing personal challenges during this period, Karys found purpose in her content. 

“After going through the hardest time, I started to realize, if I can feel this much sadness, so can everyone else,” she explains. 

This realization shaped her approach to content creation.

“If I wanted to take this seriously, it would be by showing the real me, sharing my life and experiences, and not hiding from anything,” the influencer recalls.

Karys’s authenticity resonated with audiences and brands alike. 

“When brands started contacting me instead of me contacting them, I started to think I could make something of this,” she notes, adding that this shift marked a turning point in her career.

Platform-Specific Content Creation

Karys has adapted her style to meet the changing demands of her audience and the platforms she uses.

“When I first started, social media was much less glam, and nobody knew you could make a living from it,” Karys explains. “Now I take a lot of time editing my videos for TikTok and Instagram reels.”

The young creator’s multi-platform strategy demonstrates a nuanced understanding of each platform’s unique characteristics. 

Instagram is, in my opinion, a highlight reel of your life,” she explains. “People follow you on Instagram to see nice, well-put-together images, whereas on TikTok and YouTube, they invest in you as a person.”

“On Instagram, I focus a lot on fashion,” Karys tells us. “More so over on TikTok is where I will have most of my day-to-day life and share more personal details.”

Karys meticulously plans her Instagram content using a calendar app, which allows her to use a more relaxed and personal tone on TikTok and YouTube

“Both versions are the real me. One is just very put together, and the other more relaxed,” she notes.

Karys Elise Wright: The 20-Year-Old TikToker Turning Viral Trends Into Global Brand Deals

Humor as a Coping Mechanism

Karys describes her content style as positive and light-hearted, often infused with her naturally sarcastic humor. 

“My coping mechanism in harder times is just joking about it,” she reveals. “That translates onto my socials, but in a way that lets you know, no matter what you’re going through, you can choose how you react, so choose to be happy.”

Karys emphasizes the importance of balance in maintaining creativity and overcoming potential burnout

“I plan content days and look forward to getting a lot done in one day, which means I can then have a day or two where I focus on other things,” she shares.

Regarding metrics, Karys focuses on reach and engagement rather than follower count

“Those are most important for me as they tell you how much the platform is pushing out your content and how many of your current followers engage with it,” she explains.

How Partnering with Sintillate Talent Catalyzed Karys’ Growth

Karys’s partnership with the Sintillate Talent agency has boosted her confidence and opened doors to new opportunities.

“Sintillate talent has massively increased my confidence as a creator to put myself out there and run with the opportunities given,” Karys says. 

She emphasizes the agency’s strong values, encouraging talent development and inclusivity while providing constructive criticism. 

“The last thing you need is a ‘yes man,’” she adds, highlighting the importance of honest feedback in her growth.

The agency’s support has led to high-profile collaborations, including a recent partnership with Love Honey, a well-known brand in the intimate wellness space. 

“That was already a pinch-me moment,” Karys recalls. The experience taught her the importance of researching a brand’s values to create content that resonates with its ethos.

Despite the saturated virtual space, Karys maintains her authenticity by simply being herself.

“There is very little else you can do, just like in normal life. You will not be liked by everyone, so just do you!” she states. 

However, the digital maven remains mindful of industry trends, acknowledging that “if you do not move with the times, you will get left behind.”

Karys credits Sintillate Talent with shifting her mindset and reinforcing her career path, citing “newfound confidence that I was on the correct path and to trust in every single part of it.”

Karys Elise Wright: The 20-Year-Old TikToker Turning Viral Trends Into Global Brand Deals

Resilience and Rewards

Despite her success, Karys’ content creation journey hasn’t been without obstacles. 

“In the beginning, building up a thick skin to what people say” was particularly challenging, she reveals. 

Karys has since developed resilience against online negativity, stating, “Now I don’t care. Whoever says nasty things to me says more about them than it does me.”

The rewards, however, far outweigh the challenges. Karys finds validation in her followers’ positive feedback. 

“The most rewarding is when someone follows me and DMs me to say how much they love my content,” she says. “That just clarifies what I am doing is right.”

Her advice is simple yet powerful for novice content creators: “Just start. People will always have something to say no matter what you do in life.” 

Karys emphasizes the potential rewards while acknowledging the hard work involved.

Regarding her goals, Karys aims to expand her audience, collaborate with dream brands, and increase her YouTube presence. 

“I want to continue to grow my audience, attend more events, and work with more of my dream brands,” she tells us, hinting at developments on her YouTube channel.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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