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How Lexi Combs Became a Social Media Influencer with DIY and Paranormal Content

Lexi Combs never intended to become a content creator. 

Yet today, she is at the helm of a multi-million following, crafting content on topics ranging from DIY home renovations to paranormal investigations. 

The 29-year-old New Jersey native’s journey from reluctant hobbyist to full-time creator showcases the opportunities digital entrepreneurship offers. 

In an exclusive interview with Net Influencer, Lexi shares her story, strategic approach to content creation, revenue streams, and vision for the creator economy’s future. 

ADHD as a Creative Superpower

With over two million followers on social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest, Lexi has transformed her creative passion into a full-time career.

“I do lifestyle, DIY, and renovation content,” she says. I started out doing dog content, so it’s been quite a shift. I also did wedding content.”

Anybody know what to wood pieces hanging in my pantry are for?😅 #renovation #homeimprovement #diy

♬ Just A Girl – No Doubt

She credits her ADHD, which she views as a “superpower,” for her creative drive. 

“I have always been interested in making things beautiful, and I like art,” Lexi tells us. My grandfather was an artist, [and I enjoy] doing stuff with my hands.”

Her foray into DIY began with her wedding. 

“I wanted this beautiful wedding, and we did not have enough money to make it happen,” Lexi recalls. “Everything was so expensive. So I [said], I’ll just make [it] myself.”

The turning point in Lexi’s career came unexpectedly. 

Hot Mess House renovation part 31, [from] my first House series, was like a major turning point,” she notes. I had around 650,000 followers, which was huge. I had grown that, but in under a week, it went from that to a million.”

The growth prompted Lexi to take a leap of faith. 

“I promised myself that no matter what, no matter what the deals were, that when I hit a million followers, I was at least going to take a chance and try,” she says. The decision signaled her transition to full-time content creation.

Privacy, Security, and Social Media Success

As Lexi’s popularity grew, she faced unexpected challenges, particularly regarding privacy and security. 

“I’ve had some security issues,” she reveals. “I didn’t realize how easy it would be, especially because I was sharing my home, for people to find where I lived.”

The creator experienced unsettling incidents, including people recording the front of her house and an unexpected leak of her address when selling her home.

“We had probably 200 people come through it, and it was hard to know if that was because they wanted to buy the house or because they just wanted to see the place,” Lexi says.

She has become more vigilant about her online presence to address these concerns. 

“When we bought this house, I was careful not to show certain things and tried to be more discreet about the city where I live,” she explains.

Regarding her content strategy across platforms, Lexi takes a pragmatic approach. 

“I know what we’ll do well on each platform, but I don’t think I would be able to do everything I’m doing and produce the amount of content if I tailored every single piece separately,” she states.

Instead of focusing on platform-specific content, Lexi prioritizes volume and authenticity. “My content strategy is to produce as much as possible and just what I want to watch,” she says.

Diversifying Content from DIY to the Paranormal

Lexi has ventured into new territory with her podcast “Seeking Spirits.” 

This project, co-created with her brother following their father’s unexpected passing, explores paranormal themes and haunted locations.

“It was really just a way for us to spend time together,” Lexi explains, noting the project’s emotional significance. “We go to haunted places… It’s been cool to get to spend time with him.”

The podcast represents a significant departure from Lexi’s main content. “It’s way different than what I do now,” she tells us. “It’s hard left from what I do on Lexi DIY.”

Despite the differences, Lexi finds synergy between her various content streams. 

“There is synergy in the fact that between all good content and that is just like being authentic and being yourself,” she states. 

However, the influencer notes that her DIY channel remains more educational, while the podcast allows for a more relaxed approach.

The ambitious production of “Seeking Spirits” features what Lexi’s team at 500 MGMT describes as a “Hollywood-style production.” This involves renting locations and coordinating schedules between Lexi, her brother, and her husband, who all live in different cities.

Balancing these diverse content streams presents challenges. 

“It’s difficult to balance them because it’s a lot of content,” Lexi admits. Nevertheless, she values the podcast’s unique experiences, including meeting “amazing people” and seeing “a lot of historic locations.”

Scaling LexiDIY

Lexi is strategically expanding her brand beyond her identity. 

“I do see it expanding a lot into some other categories. And I hope it becomes a household name that lives beyond me at some point,” she explains, touching on her long-term vision for the brand.

Lexi says her content creation process reflects her entrepreneurial spirit. 

However, managing the various aspects of her business presents challenges. “Right now, it’s just me as a single employee in my business,” Lexi notes, indicating her intention to expand her team, particularly in content editing.

The creator has diversified her revenue streams across multiple platforms. She identifies Facebook as her most consistent income source: “That was probably my favorite revenue stream at one time.”

Regarding brand collaborations, Lexi prioritizes authenticity and audience trust. 

“My favorite kind of brand partnership is when my team reaches out to them first. So, just a brand that I already use and love,” she says. 

Lexi’s partnership with 500 MGMT, a global creator management agency, has been instrumental in her growth. 

“They have been wonderful,” she affirms. “So many people at 500 are working to ensure I have the most opportunities for everything in every realm.”

Despite the challenges of content creation, Lexi remains grateful for her career. 

“When you get to do something that you love every single day, even though it is a lot of hard work, I would not change that for anything,” she reflects.

Goals and Social Impact

Lexi approaches her career with ambitious aspirations. 

“I’m a firm believer that if you put something on a vision board and write it down, it will happen,” she states. 

Her goals include reaching 10 million followers on TikTok and 1 million on YouTube and launching a furniture and decor business.

Beyond personal achievements, Lexi is committed to social impact. 

She recently collaborated on a project to renovate a home for a family in need. “It was probably my favorite project I’ve ever done because it was just awesome to see the look on their faces when they came home and their living room was done,” Lexi reflects.

The influencer envisions a growing role in the creator economy. She aims to advocate for fair compensation and mental health awareness among creators.

Lexi also emphasizes the importance of community in the often solitary world of content creation. “I hope to be a voice for other creators,” she tells us.

Empowering New Creators

Lexi stresses that expensive equipment isn’t necessary to begin with. “You do not need a fancy camera,” she says. “You do not need a bunch of equipment. You just need your phone and yourself.”

For those facing initial challenges, Lexi encourages persistence. “You have to push past that point of a video only getting ten views,” she notes, adding, “There’s a lot of hard work that goes into an overnight success.”

To stand out in a saturated market, Lexi advocates authenticity. 

“Nobody is you,” she emphasizes. “Nobody has that special something you have, and only you can do that. If you are genuine, work hard, and create content you love, that will show through.”

Reflecting on her journey, Lexi finds community building the most rewarding. 

She concludes with an empowering message: “If I can do this, anybody can. Because it just takes determination and passion.” 

Her parting advice to aspiring creators is simple yet powerful: “Pick up your phone and post a video because you never know what can happen.”

Cecilia Carloni, Interview Manager at Influence Weekly and writer for NetInfluencer. Coming from beautiful Argentina, Ceci has spent years chatting with big names in the influencer world, making friends and learning insider info along the way. When she’s not deep in interviews or writing, she's enjoying life with her two daughters. Ceci’s stories give a peek behind the curtain of influencer life, sharing the real and interesting tales from her many conversations with movers and shakers in the space.

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