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Meta’s AI Clones Of Influencers Have Arrived On Instagram

Meta introduced AI Studio to the United States, enabling Instagram creators to develop personalized AI characters. 

CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced this feature on June 27 in a YouTube interview with Kane Sutter.

This new feature allows users with creator accounts to generate AI bots as extensions of themselves, answering common questions and providing links to content and merchandise.

The AI characters can respond to queries about clothing items featured in posts, direct users to past videos, and share personal facts about the creator. 

Creators can customize their AI by specifying topics to avoid. All responses generated by these AI bots are clearly labeled as coming from “creator AI.”

Meta offers a more limited version of the tool for users with personal accounts. 

These AI characters can provide cooking tips, assist with Instagram caption writing, and generate memes. Users can create these AI personas either on Instagram or through Meta’s AI Studio and use them across Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

This development is part of Meta’s broader AI strategy. 

In April, Zuckerberg expressed his belief that Meta could become “the leading AI company in the world,” shifting from the company’s previous focus on AI to enhance social media products.

The launch of AI Studio follows Meta’s earlier introduction of Meta AI in September 2023, an assistant that can be used within search functions across Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger. 

Back then, Zuckerberg revealed that Meta had carefully approached the project because it worried about AI versions of celebrities saying problematic things on behalf of their human counterparts.

“We want to make sure that these AIs reflect the creator’s personality and don’t talk about things that the creator doesn’t want to get into or don’t say things that will be problematic for the creator and their endorsement deals,” Zuckerberg told The Verge. 

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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