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Lower Costs, Higher Engagement: The Truth About Fast-Paced Influencer Marketing [REPORT]

New research from influencer marketing agency Obviously reveals that quick-turn content creation campaigns can lead to higher engagement rates and lower costs than traditional influencer marketing approaches. 

The study, which analyzes over 700 creator engagements on TikTok and Instagram over the past two years, challenges the general belief about the pace and structure of influencer campaigns.

One-Off vs. Quick Turn Campaigns

Obviously’s research compares two approaches to creator content: traditional one-off campaigns and quick-turn campaigns utilizing “creator networks.” 

One-off campaigns typically involve a six-week timeline with trend-agnostic content. In contrast, quick-turn campaigns leverage pre-qualified pools of creators to respond to emerging trends within a week or less.

The study highlights three key areas where quick-turn campaigns demonstrate improvement:

  1. Efficiency

In terms of efficiency, quick-turn campaigns show lower costs per post compared to one-off campaigns. On TikTok, creator network campaigns are 26.2% less expensive per post. Instagram sees a 24.3% reduction in cost per post for quick-turn content.

  1. Engagement

Engagement rates also favor the faster approach. On TikTok, creator networks show a 21.7% increase in engagement compared to one-off campaigns. Instagram sees a 9.2% boost in engagement for quick-turn content.

  1. Participation

Creator participation rates are significantly higher for network-based campaigns.

Lower Costs, Higher Engagement: The Truth About Fast-Paced Influencer Marketing [REPORT]

Source: Obviously

On TikTok, 94.2% of creator network participants participated in campaigns, compared to 16.2% of creators contacted for one-off campaigns – a 480.5% increase in participation rate. Instagram shows similar results, with 84.9% of network participants engaging versus 29.6% of one-off influencers, representing a 187% increase.

Trending Topics

The report finds that content responding to trending topics within a week or less outperforms standard six-week campaigns.

Lower Costs, Higher Engagement: The Truth About Fast-Paced Influencer Marketing [REPORT]

Source: Obviously

On Instagram, trending content shows a 26.3% boost in engagement over industry-standard campaigns. TikTok sees a 20.4% increase in engagement for quick-turn content.

The report attributes these results to several factors. Trending topics naturally generate interest and tend to be promoted by platforms, extending reach. The speed of content production and the potential for more regular revenue may contribute to lower costs per post.

Brand Spending

Founder and CEO Mae Karwowski notes that while 80% of brands now spend more on influencer marketing than traditional creative and 92% plan to increase creator spending in 2024, few have experience with quick-turn content creation.

The report outlines four key steps for brands looking to implement quick-turn campaigns:

  1. Recruit an always-on creator network aligned with the brand’s demographics and values.
  2. Foster relationships with network members through various engagement methods.
  3. Develop systems to identify relevant emerging trends.
  4. Create and leverage an archive of creator-produced content for multiple uses.

The study also reveals that creator content performs 30% better than brand-created social ads in various contexts, suggesting potential value beyond initial platform posts.

This research suggests that brands that move quickly with creator content may see improved cost efficiency and engagement results. However, the report emphasizes that successful implementation requires preparation and ongoing relationship-building with a diverse network of creators.

The full report is available here.

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Dragomir is a Serbian freelance blog writer and translator. He is passionate about covering insightful stories and exploring topics such as influencer marketing, the creator economy, technology, business, and cyber fraud.

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