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Pet Affiliate Programs - Turn Your Pet Social Media Account Into A Money Maker


Pet Affiliate Programs – Turn Your Pet Social Media Account Into A Money Maker

If you’re someone who has decided to showcase your pets on social media because you just get over their cuteness then this article is for you.

Setting up a social media account for pets has become a fun trend, in fact, it’s common knowledge that cat videos are some of the most watched and searched-for types of content online. 

But, what happens when your pet account starts gaining followers? Well, you’ll be pleased to hear that pet accounts can also be monetized. 

Keep reading to find out everything you’ll ever need to know about brand affiliate programs in the pet supply industry.  

What Is A Pet Affiliate Program?

In short, it’s a program that influencers can become a part of if they have a pet, have a love for animals, are a veterinarian, or volunteer at an animal shelter or humane society. 

If your pet has its own social media accounts then you’d directly sign them up for affiliate programs and promote your chosen products on their socials instead.

The main thing to remember about becoming an influencer and affiliate of a pet supply company is that you are creating content with animal products, for animals. The highlight of doing so is to sell the functionality or the lifestyle of certain products to people with pets or animals they care for.  

A lot of brands will look for animal-specific influencers or content. For instance, it’s beneficial to have a dog or be a dog enthusiast if you’re going to be promoting dog food, toys, or kennels. On the other hand, you might need to have a cat if the products are for cats

The idea is to be posting authentic content with a glimpse into the owner or caretaker’s life and showcase how beneficial it is to have a product that makes the quality of life of your furry friends better! 

Benefits of Becoming a Pet Affiliate Influencer

Now that you have a better idea of what pet affiliate programs entail, let’s take a quick look at some of the many benefits. 

The payment that affiliates can receive is dependent on a few factors, such as your conversion rates, your audience, and the type of content you’re creating. 

Commission Earnings

Pet affiliates can register to affiliate marketing programs that offer animal-related products in order to earn a commission on sales generated through their link. These programs are a great way to monetize your pet’s social media accounts and they’re a win-win for both the influencer and the brand. 

You’ll be offered a full array of marketing materials, offers, and even discount codes to help you promote products online. All you really need to focus on is content creation that converts and speaks to your audience!

Rewards for Top Affiliates

If you work with a company directly, instead of registering through a third-party site such as AWIN, you’ll gain access to other types of benefits as well. Remember tho, this is largely dependent on the company, different brands offer different benefits. 

Oftentimes, if you’ve pitched a brand they will send you free products. This is one of the many reasons why taking some time to research brands is important because otherwise, you’ll have to purchase products out of pocket in order to promote them as an affiliate. 

Apart from pet-friendly freebies some of the more common perks include:

  • Inviting top-rated pet affiliates to exclusive company events, such as new product launches. 
  • Collaborations with brands for unique collections.

How to Be a Successful Pet Affiliate

Before we jump into some of the leading pet affiliate programs and examples of how you can promote their products let’s quickly take a look at the three things that will help you be a successful pet influencer.

Build Your Pets Brand

If you haven’t already set up separate social channels for your pet then it’s important to do so before registering for affiliate programs. 

You’ll want to focus on creating a personal brand for your furry friend by curating an identity for them that you can integrate into all of their social channels in a consistent manner. A good starting point when you’re brainstorming ideas is to figure out what makes your furry friend different and what you can leverage as their unique selling point that will help them stand out from the crowd. 

For example, does your pup have two different colored eyes? Does your parrot talk or make jokes? Or, is your cat prone to causing chaos in your house? 

These are all interesting and unique selling points that you can emphasize to make sure your pet’s personal brand stands out.

Having a strong personal brand in place for your pet will be appealing to not only brands but also to your larger audience. It will also allow your content creation to become more streamlined in the future.

Research Companies In The Pet Niche

As mentioned previously, it can sometimes be advantageous to work with brands directly instead of using a third-party platform. 

You’ll want to spend some time researching pet brands and making a list of companies that you think would be a good fit. In fact, you also might find it easier to start by reaching out to companies whose products you’ve purchased in the past, and that you already love and support. 

Another way to find out if your pet would be a good fit for a specific brand is by checking out their social media and researching who their current top-rated affiliates are. This will help you get a better idea of what type of content and pet influencer the brand is currently looking to partner with.

How to Pitch Pet Companies

Now for the fun part! Once you’ve curated your pet’s personal brand and researched the companies that you want to work with it’s time to get pitching. 

Before pitching companies is always a good idea to create a media kit for your pet. This will allow the brand to get a clear picture of the account’s engagement, content, unique selling point, values, and audience demographic. You can create your own media kit using free design tools such as Canva.

Make sure to include all relevant analytics information, alongside previous campaigns that your pets worked on.

One thing to keep in mind is that when you’re pitching brands directly you might not get a response from them right away – sometimes you won’t ever get a response! But don’t let this bring you down, simply keep track of when you sent the first email so that you can send a follow-up in a timely manner. 

How to Promote Pet Affiliate Products

The pet industry has fast become one of the leading niches in terms of affiliate marketing. In fact, as of March 2023, the pet industry is worth $222.93 billion, with projections that forecast continued market growth in years to come. 

Here are some of the top pet affiliate programs:

  2. Petco
  3. Pet Care Supplies
  4. Pets Warehouse
  5. PetPlate
  6. CherryBrook

Pet insurance companies such as Embrace Pet Insurance also offer affiliate programs. 

Let’s take a look at some pet influencer examples:

First up we’ve got wtfrenchie, a dog influencer with over 140 thousand followers on Instagram

Frenchie’s owner has leveraged her dog’s audience to create a unique pet brand called Saint Rue. 

Next up we’ve got Liam The Everyday Cat, a popular cat influencer with close to 20 thousand followers on the gram. 

In this post, we can see how Liam is showcasing a GPS tracker by Tractive. The caption also includes a discount code offer and a call to action. 

When you think of pet influencers the first thing that comes to mind is dogs and cats, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. For example, Prissy Pig a pig influencer with 652 thousand followers is loved by many. 

Just look at these photos of her promoting some pig clothing, what’s not to love?

Lastly, as an example of another really unconventional pet influencer we’ve got Mr. Pokee, the world’s cutest hedgehog who has a whopping 1.7 million followers on IG. 


Hopefully, this article has given you some insight into how you can monetize your pet’s social media accounts and make an income using affiliate marketing. 

So, what are you waiting for? Start implementing some of the tips we outlined in this article and get started promoting pet products with your furry friend today!

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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