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How Content Creation Provided Purpose For Fashion Influencer Tasha Green

At just 22 years old, Tasha Green is quickly becoming one of the UK’s most promising new fashion and beauty influencers. The self-described “small-town country girl” from rural North Devon has amassed a following of over 25,000 on Instagram by sharing an aspirational yet relatable lifestyle focused on fashion, beauty, and confidence-boosting content.

Despite initial skepticism about the influencer industry, Green found her footing by joining the influencer agency, Sintillate Talent. This led to a flurry of major brand deals with fashion retailers like PrettyLittleThing and Lounge. She credits the influencer agency Sintillate Talent with providing crucial guidance after health issues temporarily sidelined her career last year.

Making Waves as a Rising Fashion Influencer

Despite her humble beginnings, Tasha discovered a passion for style, makeup, and photography at a young age. “I was, quite anxious and quite insecure, and I kind of started doing it for myself. Really? I started kind of learning how to do my makeup, like taking nice pictures. And it was more of, like, a confidence-boosting thing for me,” she explains.

Inspired by her older sister, Sarah, who is a professional makeup artist and body painter, Tasha began posting fashion and beauty photos on Instagram about 6-7 years ago while still in school. What started as a personal outlet slowly gained traction as her follower count grew and brands began taking notice.

“I used to see people on Instagram creating really inspiring content, where they were taking time doing things for themselves and just being themselves. And I thought, you know what? I want to be like that,” the content creator recalls. “I slowly, slowly, kind of just start building myself up. I started finding other girls doing the same thing, helping each other out, building a network.”

Tasha credits joining the influencer marketing platform Sintillate Talent as a major turning point. “Since joining, opportunities have just been flowing and flowing. It’s just been a direct path of good opportunities,” she says of the brand partnerships that came her way. Her success hasn’t come without skepticism about the influencer industry, but Tasha insists her peers have been incredibly supportive. 

With a focus on fashion, beauty, and an aspirational but relatable lifestyle, Tasha’s bubbly persona and self-described “boujee” content have quickly amassed her an audience of over 25,000 followers.

While grappling with neurological conditions that left her bedridden for days at a time, Tasha found solace and purpose in content creation. “Influencing…made me feel so accomplished. Like I’ve done something.” Creating content became a motivating factor during her health battles. “When you’re lying in bed in hospital for, like, eight days, really? Well, you just really start thinking about your life, what you want, why you want to end up, and how you’re going to get there,” she says.

Stepping Out of Her Comfort Zone

One of the biggest milestones that tested Tasha’s mettle as an influencer was attending her first major industry events in London shortly after joining Sintillate. “I was invited to the National Social Media Awards with my agency. And then the next day in London, there was a tailoring event…at the All Saints store in Shoreditch,” she recounts.

For the self-described “country girl” from rural Devon, the prospect of traveling alone to the big city events was daunting. “I live five hours away from London, going up on my own, travelling there on my own, staying in a hotel on my own. 

However, Tasha’s anxieties quickly dissipated once she arrived. “The second I arrived at the [at the awards]…all the girls were so lovely, and there was a red carpet photoshoot, and I just felt at first I was a bit nervous, but I just felt so comfortable. I felt like I kind of belonged there.”

The warm reception and star treatment emboldened the small-town creator. “It’s definitely encouraged me to do a lot more, like go to different towns, to go to different cities. Take opportunities, don’t say no because it’s four hours away,” the influencer says of how the experience impacted her mindset.

Tasha points to landing brand deals with fast fashion giants like PrettyLittleThing and Lounge as other major confidence-boosting collaborations. “When I was in school…a few people subtly made fun of it. And back then, I was kind of thinking: They might be right. But now I’ve started working with such big brands…I’m quite proud of myself for not giving up.”

Prioritizing Self-Care

For Tasha, striking the right balance between her burgeoning career and personal well-being is crucial. “It is healthy to say no sometimes. Don’t bite off more than you can chew,” she advises. Content creation should be something you enjoy, so you shouldn’t overload yourself with it.”

The fashion enthusiast has learned to manage her schedule carefully and set boundaries when brand commitments start piling up. “If they send me 4 or 5 items, I like to get kind of it all done in one day. Dedicate a day to the scheduled app. So that I have plenty of time to retake it if I’m not happy with it, and to have time to look after myself and my dog.” Her beloved pet plays a major role in her self-care routine. “My dog takes up a lot of my time. He’s my baby,” she says affectionately.

In addition to planning breathing room in her content calendar, Tasha credits joining Sintillate Talent as providing guidance during a difficult personal period. “I actually got scouted by Sintillate themselves…And from that moment on, things just seemed to go up,” she recalls.

Aiming for Bigger Brand Partnerships

As her profile continues rising, Tasha has her sights set on even loftier brand partnerships. “I don’t have a cap on my goals at the moment. I think I’d love to work with big luxury brands like House of Cb, Dior, and Givenchy.”

To help facilitate those aspirations, the aspiring influencer is getting out and networking at major industry events like the upcoming Cheshire Fashion Week. “I think I just need to keep going to events, meeting people, and just networking. I think the best thing to do is show your face at places and enjoy yourself.”

She is also actively pursuing representation from a modeling agency in addition to her work with the influencer marketing firm Sintillate. “I think that would help me make some big steps in my career.” With bigger sponsors and supporters in her sights, this small-town creator’s ambitions show no signs of being limited by her humble beginnings.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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