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TikTok UK Taps Influencer Marketing Agency Diffraction For Expansion

TikTok UK Taps Influencer Marketing Agency Diffraction For Expansion

At a time when TikTok fame can seem elusive, Diffraction is charting a course to turn everyday streamers into global sensations, one LIVE broadcast at a time. 

The data-driven influencer marketing agency is expanding its TikTok LIVE Agency program globally. 

In an exclusive interview with Net Influencer, Diffraction co-founder Joseph Sottile details the company’s ambitious expansion plans, including new partnerships with TikTok UK+ and 22 EU countries.

The program has already transformed novice streamers into top earners making over $15,000 monthly and is now set to reach an even wider audience. 

With its emphasis on authentic content creation and comprehensive creator support, Diffraction is preparing to launch a creator symposium and challenge in the coming weeks.

From Creator Network to Global Expansion

The journey began with Diffraction joining TikTok’s Creator Network program, which leveraged data to grow creators and develop best practices.

“We originally joined the Creator Network program and partnered with TikTok live because of the data and the opportunity to help grow our creators,” Joseph explains. “We train them on the best practices, strategies, and tactics we develop with TikTok [and from their program with the creators themselves!].”

Diffraction’s approach focuses on organic live streaming, countering misconceptions about TikTok LIVE. 

“I believe in what TikTok is, which is like a place for you to connect with like-minded people,” Joseph tells us.

The company’s success led to the development of Diffraction Academy, an online school hub for TikTok LIVE and content creation education.  The platform offers in-depth lessons, video hook and LIVE strategies, an inspiration library with over 250 content ideas based on Diffraction’s data analysis, internal training with the TikTok LIVE Team, and more.

This success caught the attention of TikTok UK+, covering the UK and 22 other EU countries, prompting Diffraction’s expansion.

Joseph highlights the rigorous process behind their training materials: “We go through like 4 or 5 iterations before we even post something on Diffraction Academy to make sure it’s not only a source of truth, but it also has some sort of element of strategy behind it.”

TikTok UK Taps Influencer Marketing Agency Diffraction For Expansion

Image: Diffraction Academy

Diffraction’s TikTok LIVE Program

Joseph dissects Diffraction’s TikTok LIVE program, detailing its structures and objectives. 

“Our program is designed to offer not only extensive training but also in-app opportunities, events, red carpet promotions, additional exposure, and that person behind you who is providing that guidance and is also in your corner,” he explains.

The program’s ultimate goal is to elevate creators to “LIVE Pro” status, requiring them to earn 10 million diamonds monthly, equivalent to about $50,000 in TikTok LIVE revenue. 

The program has elevated creators to the new Gaming LIVE Pro status, earning over $10,000 a month just off TikTok LIVE revenue. It also serves as an exclusive pathway for Gamers to rise to the top. 

Images: TikTok LA HQ

Diffraction has also created an internal exclusive challenge for gamers to earn rewards and training with their TikTok Reps and Staff to push for nomination, encouraging healthy, sustainable growth!

Beyond financial success, Diffraction emphasizes personal growth and authenticity. 

“We’re teaching creators how to be passionate about themselves,” Joseph says. “It’s not [about] what content will get the most eyes… I truly enjoy what content I can create for my community and myself.”

Eligibility requirements for the program differ for U.S./Canada creators and UK creators

To maintain focus on rising talent, applicants must have earned less than 200,000 diamonds (about $1,000) in the US or 300,000 diamonds (about $1,500) in the UK within the past five months from TikTok LIVE.

TikTok UK Taps Influencer Marketing Agency Diffraction For Expansion

Diffraction looks for creators with a clear vision and commitment. “We’re looking for creators ready to do this passionately and go full-time,” Joseph reveals.

The company provides extensive resources, including detailed analyses and coaching calls. 

Success Stories: From Novices to TikTok LIVE Pros

Joseph shares success stories from Diffraction’s TikTok LIVE program, showing how novice creators can rise to top-tier status.

One standout example is KasualLeigh, a newcomer to streaming who joined the program in February. 

“She’s new to streaming, but she never streamed before January,” Joseph notes. 

“She was making a few dollars before and generating community, but after entering our program and working with us, we elevated her to over $10,000 a month.” 

Now, she’s a Gaming LIVE Pro, earning $15,000 a month from LIVE revenue and attending exclusive events. In addition, Diffraction helped moderate her community so she could craft a healthy streaming environment and hone in on her passions.

TikTok UK Taps Influencer Marketing Agency Diffraction For Expansion

KasualLeigh’s success extends beyond financial gains. “She’s in the top ten every week in terms of gaming rankings streams to over 35 million people in the app every month,” Joseph shares.

Another success story is DominionVRC, a VR creator who joined the program with diverse interests. 

“Dominion is leading the charge regarding performance-based VR,” Joseph says. 

Within three months, Dominion was “consistently streaming to over a thousand people” and “making over $10,000 a month just off of TikTok live revenue.”

DanSquared, who began content creation just a year ago, has also grown significantly. 

He never created content before last year. Diffraction has helped him earn many live spotlight opportunities for the app to push them out in, like the gamer lounge spotlight.

“He’s streaming to over 15 million people in the app monthly from the Pokemon niche,” Joseph reports. He just did his first-anniversary stream on TikTok, where over 100 people came in and supported him. He’s been pushing the top 100 every single week now. So, it’s a good testament that he’s a gamer and passionate about his community in general.”

TikTok UK Taps Influencer Marketing Agency Diffraction For Expansion

“I cannot believe my growth on TikTok in the past few days, 200k likes…. Gaining 400 followers a stream… thank you @DiffractAgency for showing me the key,” said Getlowe, another creator who’s benefited from Diffraction. 

These success stories deeply inspire Joseph. 

“Every time a new creator comes into the program, finds their voice, finds that their spark of creativity bursts into a massive flame, it inspires me,” he shares.

The co-founder reiterates Diffraction’s motto: “Rising tide lifts all boats, not just the yachts.” 

He continues, “Everyone who grows, everyone who catches this wave of creativity gets lifted.”

Nurturing Next-Gen TikTok Stars

Diffraction’s plans for an exclusive creator symposium at TikTok L.A. HQ aim to propel emerging talent within the TikTok LIVE ecosystem.

“I wanted to create a pathway for our creators to go because you typically have to either get invited out or compete in one of the app’s exclusive campaigns,” Joseph tells us.

Diffraction has introduced a challenge to make the event accessible to creators outside Los Angeles. 

“We built a challenge for it, so creators can actually earn a reward to get flown out,” Joseph says. 

The challenge mirrors TikTok’s flagship events, Community Fest and Live Fest. 

“We’ve devised our challenge very similarly to that because we want to train our program on how to successfully educate your viewers, set up a stream, and strategize around performing in these events,” Joseph explains.

The event’s main objectives are creator meetups, training, and content creation. 

“We’re going to be hosting two workshops with our TikTok reps about campaigns and some of the overall best practices for being successful on the app,” Joseph details. 

The studio space will be equipped for high-quality content creation, offering creators a unique opportunity to showcase their talents from TikTok’s HQ.

TikTok UK Taps Influencer Marketing Agency Diffraction For Expansion

A live match event between the challenge’s two finalists will be a learning opportunity for newer creators. 

“That’s going to be another nice little mini event for the creator that has their floaties [reference to being new to the platform and just jumping in the water] brand new to the scene, being able to watch our top two creators perform live in person at the studios,” Joseph notes.

He envisions this as an annual or quarterly event, alternating between L.A. and New York. 

Global Reach

Joseph explains the creators’ challenge: “It’s really hard on TikTok to get outside your country’s viewer demographics.” 

To address this, Diffraction is developing “cross-country viewership pollination,” a strategy to help creators expand their global reach.

“We’re going to create workshop strategies and courses on how to use our program and connect with people worldwide,” Joseph states. 

He hopes these resources will educate creators about cultural differences and standards across countries, from driving habits to colloquialisms.

The expansion offers mutual benefits.  For U.S. creators, Joseph notes, “There’s this whole new range of cultural nuances that they get exposed to, this whole new range of resources around really global viewership and how to tap into that.”

Diffraction’s collaboration with TikTok UK aims to leverage the diverse cultures represented in their markets and bring their US program’s success to train the next wave of UK creators. 

“We’re going to work with TikTok UK to spearhead that since they have many different cultures represented there,” Joseph explains.

TikTok UK Taps Influencer Marketing Agency Diffraction For Expansion

Diffraction’s Future

Joseph outlines Diffraction’s ambitious vision for global expansion and authentic creator growth. 

“Our vision is really Diffraction global, taking our program to as many countries as possible,” Joseph states, hinting at upcoming expansion announcements.

He stresses the importance of focusing on passion and community-building over viewership numbers. 

“It’s less about trying to find how many views you can get… and it’s more about understanding why you’ve done this in the first place,” the entrepreneur explains, adding that such an approach counters the “outdated system” of content creation solely for monetary gain.

Diffraction’s philosophy centers on a creator’s core passions and desired community, referred to as ” their Roman Empire.”

“If you start there, anyone can be successful. That’s what our program has shown,” he asserts.

Looking ahead, Diffraction plans to continue investing in its TikTok LIVE program, develop more events and challenges, and combat misinformation in the creator space. 

The company’s next major event, a creator studio day, is scheduled for September 23. The challenge will start on August 15. 

Joseph encourages creators to sign up in the coming weeks.

Cecilia Carloni, Interview Manager at Influence Weekly and writer for NetInfluencer. Coming from beautiful Argentina, Ceci has spent years chatting with big names in the influencer world, making friends and learning insider info along the way. When she’s not deep in interviews or writing, she's enjoying life with her two daughters. Ceci’s stories give a peek behind the curtain of influencer life, sharing the real and interesting tales from her many conversations with movers and shakers in the space.

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