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Top LGBTQIA+ Accounts To Follow To Learn More About The Queer Community


Top LGBTQIA+ Accounts To Follow To Learn More About The Queer Community

With queerphobia still rampant in the world, queer people often turn to the internet to spread awareness about themselves, to find support and love, or to simply be themselves. These top LGBTQIA+ accounts will help you learn more about the community and help you on your journey towards self-realization (if that’s what you need).

The LGBTQIA+ community is vast yet underrepresented. Sure, you may know what the letters L, G, B, and T stand for, but did you know that there are so many other labels and micro labels that most people know nothing about? Not to mention the queer community’s deep history and their fight for equal rights that goes back decades.

Top LGBTQIA+ Accounts To Follow To Learn More About The Queer Community


Below is a list of top LGBTQIA+ accounts for you to follow. They are informative, they are fun, and most importantly, they provide a safe space. 

Whether you are exploring your identity or just want to know how you can be a better ally, these accounts are worth taking a look at. 

Top LGBTQIA+ Accounts To Follow 

Devin-Norelle (@steroidbeyonce) 

Followers: 47.6k

Devin-Norelle uses ze/zim neopronouns and is a model, an actor, an advocate for queer people, and an opinion writer. Ze has several articles published in several magazines such as Teen Vogue, Allure, and GQ. 

Through @steroidbeyonce, ze educates people about various things such as neopronouns, gender affirming surgery, and current affairs and legislations surrounding the queer community with a special focus on transgender and non binary people. Follow Devin-Norelle to expand your knowledge and also to learn how to take pride in who you are.

It Gets Better Project (@itgetsbetter) 

Followers: 139k

It Gets Better is a nonprofit organization that aims to connect and support LGBTQIA+ youth. They hold live convos with queer people, educate their followers about the community, and give young queer people the support they need. 

They also have a podcast called “Perfectly Queer” which features special guests and has a lot of advice, LGBTQIA+ news, and so on. Their ultimate goal is to give the next generation a world where they are not afraid to be themselves.

Ravi Roth (@raviroundtheworld) 

Followers: 22.2k

Ravi (he/him) is a gay man who travels around the globe documenting his adventures. Having traveled to over 34 countries, his focus is on covering the local queer culture wherever he visits. He also hosts multiple adventure series such as The Gaycation Travel Show and Ravi’s Road To Pride. He visits some amazing places, so you can also add them to your travel checklist!

The bonus of following Ravi? You get to see him being unapologetically himself and that is a very heartening sight!

Schuyler Bailar (@pinkmantaray) 

Followers: 385k

Bailar (he/him) is the 1st trans D1 NCAA men’s athlete. His page is filled with educative posts about the trans community including FAQs. As an athlete, he has a focus on trans people in sports. He dunks all the myths surrounding the trans community and answers any questions you might have had. 

Blair Imani (@blairimani) 

Followers: 514k

Blair Imani (she/her) is a Black, bisexual Muslim. As an author, historian, and activist, she uses her page to educate people about various things- the queer community (including queer history), queer people of faith, body positivity and bodily anatomy, racism, and mental illnesses. 

Her series of “smarter in seconds” videos provide useful nuggets of information in seconds. Her profile is definitely worth a follow!

Alok Vaid-Menon (@alokvmenon) 

Followers: 1M 

Alok Menon (they/them) is an author, speaker, comedian, and a poet. They believe that clothes have no gender, and so, they are on a mission to degender fashion. They tour the world and conduct several comedy + poetry shows. 

Their page is filled with pictures of them being themselves and wearing whatever they want. If you have ever felt uncomfortable expressing your true self, take inspiration from Alok!

Jeffrey Marsh (@thejeffreymarsh) 

Followers: 399k 

Jeffrey Marsh (they/them) talks about nonbinary and trans rights. Due to the stigma and the hate, a lot of queer people end up hating themselves because society tells them they are not “normal.” Jeffrey teaches people how to deal with such feelings, how to accept yourself, and even how to respond to hate comments.

They are an author of a book called “how to be you” and also coach people on how to end self hate. Follow Jeffrey for some radical self acceptance. 

Dr. Blair Peters (@queersurgeon) 

Followers: 25.4k 

Dr. Blair Peters (he/they) is a queer surgeon and an activist whose practise is a safe space for queer people. He talks a lot about the relationship between self identity and the queer community and how gender affirming surgery is often an integral part of people’s well-being. They also participate in a lot of talks trying to spread awareness about this!

Pattie Gonia (@pattiegonia) 

Followers: 488k

Pattie Gonia (they/she/he) defines themselves as a professional homosexual, environmentalist, and drag queen. On their page, you will get to see a mixture of all three things! Their goal is to diversify the outdoors while raising awareness about climate change

They combine queerness with the wildnerness, and frankly, it is amazing! Follow them for some #WildernessPride!

Casey Tanner (@queersextherapy) 

Followers: 199k

Queer people define sex differently than the heteronormative version. Casey Tanner (they/them) is a queer sex therapist who is on a mission to educate people about this. 

Using infographics, they demystify what queer sex means and how it could mean different things to different people. As an extension to this, they also talk about queer people’s relationships with their bodies! Casey also provides one-on-one therapy if you need it!

Alexander (@alexander.tries) 

Followers: 20k

Alexander is a nonbinary/ genderfluid LGBTQIA+ activist and mental health advocate. They focus on queer mental health in particular. Their messages include not letting society tell queer people that there is something wrong them and they encourage people to be their authentic self. 

In addition to that, they provide several free mental health resources and tools and also talk about things like gender dysphoria, gender affirming surgery, and several other things related to the trans umbrella. 

Ren (@the_gay_crochet_biz) 

Followers: 38.9k 

Ren (he/him) is a transgender crotcher and his work is wonderful! He focuses on pride plushies to give queer people something physical that can represent them. Along with seeing his beautiful plushies, you also get to learn a lot of things such as conversion therapy, being a better ally, the difference between sex and gender, among others.

You can order your very own plushie by visiting his profile! 25% of all profits go towards Ren’s top surgery. 

Kayden X Coleman (@kaydenxofficial) 

Followers: 47.7k 

Kayden (he/him) is a black gay trans advocate, an educator, and an author. He is the creator of “TRANSgenda time,” a series of videos where he educates people about the transgender community. His profile provides a great learning opportunity for everyone!

The bonus? In between all the informative posts, you get to see his two cute daughters being adorable!

That’s it, people! We’ve come to the end of the list. Before I go, here are a few things to remember- respect people’s pronouns, gender identity, and sexuality. Educate yourself if you’re not aware of something. And remember, different does NOT mean bad!   

karina gandola

Karina Gandola was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karina loves writing about the influencer marketing space and an area she is passionate about. She considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Poshna.


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