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Why Vin Matano’s Creatorbuzz Is Betting On B2B Influencer Marketing

As traditional digital advertising yields diminishing returns and cold emails go unanswered, Vin Matano’s Creatorbuzz is turning tech professionals into unlikely influencers.

The agency’s niche in the tech industry involves connecting software and B2B companies with content creators who understand business.

Drawing on his experience as a tech industry insider and a successful influencer, Vin is pioneering strategies that promise to redefine how B2B companies reach their target audiences.

From tailored campaign metrics to predicting the rise of short-form video content, Creatorbuzz spearheads a transformation in its sector. 

In an exclusive interview with Net Influencer, Vin shares his journey, the unique challenges of B2B influencer marketing, and the future of professional content creation in the corporate world.

The Cost-Effective Alternative to Broad Advertising

After six years at a B2B tech company, where he created professional content about his job, Vin noticed a growing trend: software and B2B companies were increasingly interested in working with influencers like himself.

“I started noticing a lot more software companies and B2B companies wanting to work with folks like me and others like myself,” he tells us. 

This observation and a few side clients gave him the momentum to launch Creatorbuzz, a B2B influencer marketing agency. 

In June 2024, Vin identified several key trends driving the demand for B2B influencer marketing. 

The rise of LinkedIn has created a platform for professionals to build large followings. 

Simultaneously, companies are seeing diminishing returns on their digital advertising investments. “Companies were increasing their spend on digital advertising and seeing lower results,” Vin notes.

He also points to the challenges facing traditional sales methods: “Industry-wide, you’re seeing about a 2% reply rate from cold emails.” 

These factors have created a perfect storm in the competitive technology industry, making it increasingly difficult and expensive for companies to reach their target buyers.

According to Vin, B2B influencers are emerging as a cost-effective alternative to traditional marketing channels in this environment. He argues that influencer campaigns can be more targeted and affordable than broad-based advertising efforts.

B2B Influencer Marketing: A New Frontier for Tech Companies

Unlike traditional consumer-focused influencer campaigns, Vin explains how B2B influencer marketing targets a professional audience with specialized content.

“B2B influencers are not lifestyle creators,” he says. “They’re talking about business, they’re talking about their profession, and their audience is other businesses or other business people.”

Vin adds that this distinction is crucial for companies looking to reach corporate decision-makers.

Creatorbuzz bridges B2B brands and influencers, offering various services from campaign strategy to content creation. 

The agency’s services include influencer management and content creation, encompassing everything from sourcing and vetting influencers to developing content calendars and creating user-generated content for brand use.

Vin sees a dual mission for Creatorbuzz.

“One would be to help creators get paid,” he says, addressing the challenge of fair compensation in the influencer space. 

On the brand side, the goal is to “get their message out there without breaking the bank on paid advertising or hiring a ginormous sales team.”

How Creatorbuzz Connects B2B Brands and Influencers

Creatorbuzz stands out due to its founder’s unique position as an agency owner and an active influencer. 

This dual role gives Vin real-time insights into industry trends and creator needs, tailoring Creatorbuzz’s strategies and operations.

“I still do brand deals today,” Vin reveals. So I have a very close finger on the pulse of current trends, like what’s working and what’s not working.” 

Vin’s background includes collaborations with over 50 brands, from tech giants like Adobe to emerging startups. “I’ve had both poor and great experiences with brands as an influencer,” he notes.

This insight allows Creatorbuzz to advise brands on best practices and potential pitfalls in their influencer marketing efforts.

Another key advantage Vin brings to Creatorbuzz is his knowledge of fair market rates for influencer services. 

“I have a unique perspective on what’s a fair price versus overall underpaying,” he states, implying that it helps Creatorbuzz ensure equitable compensation for creators while delivering value to brands.

Metrics That Matter in B2B Influencer Marketing

One of the primary hurdles in implementing and measuring the success of B2B campaigns is identifying suitable influencers. 

“There’s not a smooth process of going through and filtering and finding influencers,” Vin explains. 

The discovery process remains largely manual and network-based. 

Creatorbuzz leverages Vin’s connections and brand to expand its influencer network. “We’ve been generating a lot of contacts and signups just through posting job ads linked to Typeform,” he notes.

Vin emphasizes the importance of understanding a brand’s ideal customer profile (ICP) and end-user when matching them with influencers. He says it ensures the influencer’s audience aligns with the brand’s target market.

B2B companies face distinct challenges in measuring campaign success compared to their B2C counterparts. 

While B2C campaigns can often be evaluated based on direct sales, B2B software companies, particularly those with enterprise or sales-led models, may not see immediate, trackable results.

“Not every software has a way for folks to buy directly,” Vin points out. He recommends a full-funnel approach, starting with awareness-building content before moving to more conversion-focused messaging. 

Sign-ups can be a key metric for companies with a product-led growth model. Lead generation through resources like webinars or reports may be more appropriate for enterprise companies.

Vin advocates for a content strategy that balances brand awareness with direct calls to action. “One of the strategies I like to implement is having this 70/30 split of no-click content,” he says.

Common misconceptions also plague the B2B influencer marketing space. 

Some companies dismiss influencer marketing entirely, associating it solely with consumer-focused trends. Others view it as a quick fix for all their marketing challenges. 

Vin cautions against both extremes: “It will move the needle. But on the other spectrum, it’s a long game as well. There’s no overnight success.”

Trends and Challenges

Vin anticipates significant shifts in B2B influencer marketing. 

He predicts that short-form video content will become a dominant force. “Short-form video is going to be one of the biggest drivers of B2B content,” he predicts. 

This trend departs from the traditionally text-heavy nature of B2B content on platforms like LinkedIn.

Vin also emphasizes authenticity. “The style of short-form video is going to be this idea of real experiences,” he explains. “Content creators must move beyond generic tips and share real-time journeys and strategies.”

Despite these opportunities, Vin identifies a persistent challenge in the B2B space: the stigma associated with content creation. 

“There is a major stigma around being a content creator in B2B that doesn’t exist for B2C,” he notes, adding that this perception often holds back professionals from sharing valuable insights and expertise.

Vin attributes this stigma partly to demographic differences and the professional nature of platforms like LinkedIn. 

However, he advocates for a more inclusive approach: “Everyone has a unique perspective, and just because someone’s one year into their career doesn’t mean they don’t have something to share too.”

For those looking to transition into the creator economy, Vin advises, “Start documenting your journey early.” 

He recommends focusing on personal experiences rather than creating content solely for a specific customer base, allowing for more flexibility and authentic engagement as careers develop.

Next Chapter: Quality, Community, and Client Value

As Creatorbuzz enters its third month of operation, Vin outlines a two-pronged strategy for growth. 

On the personal front, Vin aims to deepen engagement with his community while elevating the quality of his content. “People who have followed me for a while might notice an uptick in the level of storytelling or production,” he says.

For Creatorbuzz, the focus is on delivering exceptional value to existing clients. 

“My main goal is ensuring my current clients see the most ROI possible,” Vin emphasizes.

With his eyes set on the future, Vin remains committed to advocating for B2B influencer marketing as a legitimate strategy. 

He encourages professionals across industries to embrace content creation, regardless of their experience level. 

“It’s never too late to start creating,” Vin asserts. “There’s always going to be an audience for you.”

Cecilia Carloni, Interview Manager at Influence Weekly and writer for NetInfluencer. Coming from beautiful Argentina, Ceci has spent years chatting with big names in the influencer world, making friends and learning insider info along the way. When she’s not deep in interviews or writing, she's enjoying life with her two daughters. Ceci’s stories give a peek behind the curtain of influencer life, sharing the real and interesting tales from her many conversations with movers and shakers in the space.

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