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What Is The Youtube Creator Academy


What Is The Youtube Creator Academy?

YouTube Creator Academy is a great way to start your journey into content creation on one of the most popular video content creation platforms out there. The best part is there’s minimal to no investment and a wide array of knowledge to be had. YouTube Creator Academy allows you to learn fundamental skills needed to create high-quality video content and makes it doable.

YouTube is a powerful content engine that helps many out there build relevant content and generate revenues simultaneously. Yet instead of jumping right into making meaningful content, it’s always a good idea to take a step back and train up on the fundamentals of what YouTube is all about. It will help you even if you’re just starting out on YouTube or have a full-fledged YouTube channel and production company.

What Is The Youtube Creator Academy?

This article will do a deep dive into the YouTube Creator Academy and review its benefits and how it can help you succeed on YouTube.


The YouTube Creator Academy is an extensive e-learning platform for YouTubers of all skill sets to train from the ground up or hone their seasoned skills. It’s meant to show all the different aspects of YouTube, from how to technically upload videos to how to be able to monetize those videos.

Since YouTube is part of Google, it also helps to integrate with other Google-based tools that will help optimize user growth and subscriptions.


Once you’re able to join, you’ll be able to get a leg up as a content creator. At the bare minimum, it’s important to check out the basic beginner modules, especially if you’re new to online video content creation.

Beginner courses will cover topics such as finding your niche and what type of equipment is best for those that are starting out. Also, understanding how to use the YouTube system and learning all the different technical components and features of YouTube. 

What Is The Youtube Creator Academy?

Don’t rush this part and think you’re ready to become the next travel vlogger. There’s a great deal of competition out there, and they’ve been doing this exclusively for years. They’re also supported with extensive production crews to help with video content creation, from script writing to editing videos. But, in the beginning, you’re going to have to do this all on your own.


For those that are really just starting out and have no idea where to begin, it’s all about taking the fundamentals from the get-go. Keep in mind that this is a small sample set that’s meant to get your digital YouTube feet wet. These are straight from YouTube Creator Academy, and that means they’re all free.

There’s a wide selection of other courses out there that come from third parties that may be something to take into consideration, as investing in outside experts can only help to make you a better content creator.

The Quickstart Guide to YouTubeYesYes
Build a Business on YouTubeYesYes
Create Great ContentYesYes
Grow your CommunityYesYes
Interact with Audiences with Community PostsNoYes


Enrolling in YouTube Creator Academy by YouTube itself is completely free. That’s right. Once you’re able to be a part of the creator academy, then you’ll be able to see all the different course options and progress as needed. This is in some part because of the fact that YouTube benefits from all the new content being created and feels that it’s imperative to train any and all content creators.

They are broken down into categories, and essentially, all courses should be taken:

  1. Getting Started

These are the fundamentals, from setting up your account to covering all the different aspects of YouTube and content creation. Topics such as basic guidelines on how to upload your first video are covered in this area. This is meant to act as a general overview of what YouTube has to offer and should not be where the training journey ends.

  1. Content Strategy

Here is where you focus on your niche. Are you going to set up a beauty channel, or are you going to set up a gaming channel? Whatever your content is, consider focusing only on one category at the beginning and working to maximize your content from there.

Don’t try to be a general YouTuber at the start because you’re working to grow your initial audience with like-minded individuals. Here you’re going to get certified based on the course you take.

What Is The Youtube Creator Academy?

  1. Channel Optimization

All the lessons here focus on how to grow your engagement. Certified courses include; Get Insights with YouTube Analytics, Grow Your Community, and Building a Global channel. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t want to take the non-certified courses that help with interacting and establishing your community and fanbase. Your community eventually transitions to subscribers, which helps with the next section, which is all about monetization.

  1. Monetization

This is what may have inspired you to become a content creator in the first place. All the courses from the YouTube Creator Academy are related to how to make your YouTube channel make that money! You’ll want first to follow the checklist to be able to even earn money found here.

Once you’re eligible, then you’re able to train up on everything through advertising revenues, channel memberships, and even selling merchandise through the channel. Finally, you’ll be able to get certifications on how to manage brand deals and if your content is to create music. 

  1. Production

It’s important to note this part; all the components come with certifications. These videos center around understanding how to make the content. Courses include what to do during your shoot and after your shoot, how to use live streaming on YouTube, and have even expanded out to how to handle virtual reality and 360-degree video content. All of this is part of the YouTube Creator Academy.

  1. Policies

Although there are no certifications to be had here, policies should always be read, so you don’t end up getting a video that ends up being taken down or a YouTube channel being blocked because of a mistake. Keeping up to date with all the policies of YouTube will help keep your content up. Topics will cover copyright and fair use practices, so you can safely use other types of content without fear of reprisal.

Due to the nature of the content, most of this will be text-based, and it’s very important to take the time to read this fine print, especially if you are unsure about the content you’re about to post.


YouTube Academy is primarily now a channel on YouTube itself where you’re able to get all the content for free to set up. These are how-to videos covering nearly all the various topics and also help with offering the information in an engaging and piecemeal setup. This is also an excellent point to start when considering whether even to become a YouTube Creator.

As of 2019, if you want to be able to access more in-depth courses and get certifications, you’re going to have to go through a few additional steps. First, you’ll need to essentially get in touch with your partner manager and have a content ID. This may be slightly different to what you may have been used to or what you’ve seen in the past. Partner managers themselves are invited only to help other content creators get started and get certified.

What Is The Youtube Creator Academy?

To get a content ID, you’ll need to go through the extensive process of setting up content ownership and delivering videos on YouTube. More information can be found here

To view more detailed support, you can find it here. These are, of course, advanced tools that mean you’re already producing content and are intended to take your YouTube channel to the next levels and beyond. However, when it comes to just starting out, the YouTube Creator Academy has enough content on the YouTube channel for those early days.

Wrap up

YouTube Creator Academy is a great way to start your journey into content creation on one of the most popular video content creation platforms out there. The best part is, there’s minimal to no investment and a wide array of knowledge to be had. These are actual skills that can be taken outside of YouTube as well if you ever fancy becoming an advanced video content creator in the future.

By taking the time to do the training and getting the right education, you’re able to start producing the right type of content that can generate revenues. Remember, even your older videos will help to generate you revenues as the viewership grows and more eyes end up on those videos.

What Is The Youtube Creator Academy?

As always, it’s ideal to work with professionals in the industry as a way to jumpstart your content creation career. You’ll also want to constantly review your analytics and data to see what is working and what isn’t, and always pivot your content when necessary to ensure success.

Keep in mind there’s a whole suite of tools within Google that are meant to enhance your YouTube Creator Academy training, so don’t shy away from taking ancillary support courses. 

karina gandola

Karina loves writing about the influencer marketing space and an area she is passionate about. She considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Poshna.

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